Please refer to art.1892al.3 (4) of C.C.Q.
大部分的短期转租都是“the lease of a room situated in the principal residence of the lessor” and not more than two rooms are rented... 这种情况根本不属于“lease of dwellings”. art. 28 al.1 par.1 de la loi sur la régie du logement doesn't apply.
Post by 523
whatever you name your agreement, it's still a lease. If the money you ask is less than 70,000 dollars, the régie du logement still has the jurisdiction, and this, according to the art. 28 al.1 par.1 de la loi sur la régie du logement. of course, in some other situations, the amount of money will be not taken into consideration.
you contract with the lessee without the consent of the lessor, you, the subleasee, will not exercise the rights and remedies of the lessee to against the lessor. the obligations and rights probably derive only from your agreement.
but i'am not sure whether the leasee can lease his lease to you. if his lease is a standard one, there must be some articles concerning the sublease or the assignment.
there are only 7 articles about the sublease and the assignment of which 5 are of ordre public, don't mention all the particular articles concerning the lease are of ordre public. how can you write an agreement without the consent of the lessor, which, is the only right left to him by the law.
I mean, this agreement is invalid, but the delayed consent of the lessor can still validate this agreement, so it becomes a sublease. |