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发表于 2008-7-24 11:13 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Recipe for watermelon wine:

1.  Gallon on the page refers to US gallon, not Canadian Gallon.
2.  Go to any sizable wine supply store, they will have all the ingredients on the shelve.
3.  NOTE the author mentioned 8 or 9 months.  U need to age this wine!!  This is not drinkable in 30 days.

My advice:  Do a blend of watermelon and something(some choices on web link above), pure watermelon wine could be boring.

Feel free to search the web for other recipes.  Happy wine making!!
 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-24 11:20 | 只看该作者

Anyone know or has "recycle 4L jug"??

If anyone know restaurants that sell the 4L jug wine as house wine and can get the empty jug, I believe it would be nice to announce here.

Better use of empty jug than going into land field.  Thanks in advance on behalf of whoever will use them!!

To anyone making this wine:  would be nice if u will share pictures and description in Chinese.
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发表于 2008-7-24 11:33 | 只看该作者

因为没有WINE YEAST,我准备加一点我真在发酵的葡萄汁作为yeast.

i wanna make it w/ my 3L bottle.

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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-24 11:41 | 只看该作者
It's not really as complicated as it looks.  The store u go to has everything.  The ? yeast will be ~$1-$2/pack.  The major issue is AGING.

发酵的葡萄汁作为yeast will be OK, EXCEPT watermelon juice spoil relatively quick.  Leave your 3L jug in refrigerator for the 1st 24 hours or so.

Pick the blend u prefer, let's see  . . . . . .
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-24 11:53 | 只看该作者


1.  Believe HenryMa will be starting her grape wine soon, may be she can freeze her USED grapes for u afterwards, in a clean+disinfected freezer bag.  Add that to your must, it will add colour(mainly) and body(not much) to your watermelon wine.

2.  Dandelion - U and/or your friends may have it right in the backyard(s).  The yellow flower from wild weed.  Pick a yard that doesn't put any fertilizer or whatever unknown chemical.  Someone on this web may have tons of them.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-24 13:13 | 只看该作者
Just realized that u may need to siphon your Babera tonight.  If that's the case:

Siphon your Babera into secondary(glass carboy), leaving the "junk"( the bottom whitish stuff) in the bucket.  Don't worry, 99.9999% sure your Babera will be OK, just don't sit your carboy on bare+cold garage floor tonight.

Pour your watermelon juice+sugar+acid(or lemon) into the bucket with "junk", stir well to dissolve + to introduce oxygen into must.  There're yeast(MM does use a "fast yeast" in their juice) and nutrient left in that "junk".  Fermentation should start within XX min. in a warm place like kitchen.

Don't forget to use hydrometer to measure the potential alcohol level.  I assume u have one.

Substitute lemon juice for the acid blend, I don't have exact conversion now, may be juice of 1 lemon for your 3L?!

The rest . . . . follow instructions from the link.  Do consider his Watermelon-Grape Wine recipe.   Have fun!
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发表于 2008-7-24 13:26 | 只看该作者
it's great idea to use the 'junk' to ferment the watermelon wine. i bought sugar at lunch time, but didnt realize i need lemon. now i need to buy a lemon. that's all i need so far.

thanks a lot for all your advice, mp.
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 楼主| 发表于 2008-7-29 06:57 | 只看该作者
From:  http://www.sinoquebec.com/bbs/sh ... 1529152#post1529152
Post by 竹海
1.选料。选充分成熟、含糖量较高的 新鲜西瓜为原料。
2.取汁。先将西瓜用清水冲洗干净并沥干水分,然后去皮捣烂榨汁。榨出的西瓜汁用纱布过滤,滤出的西瓜汁倒入瓷缸 或铝锅内,加热至70—75℃,保持20分钟左右备用。注意瓜汁不能用铁锅存放和加 热,以免发生反应,影响酒的品质和色泽。
3.发酵。待西瓜汁冷却澄清后,用虹吸管吸出上层澄清液,放人经过消毒杀菌的瓷缸或瓷坛内。先用手持糖度计测定西瓜汁中的含糖量,加入纯净白糖将瓜汁含糖量调整到20-22%,随即加入3—5%的酒曲。为防止酸败可加入少量硫酸钠,其用量以100公斤西瓜汁加11—12克为宜。调配好的西瓜汁充分搅拌均匀后,置于25—28℃的环境中进行酒精发酵。15天后,用虹吸管吸入另一缸或坛内,并按瓜 汁量的10%加入蔗糖,待蔗糖溶解后,倒入锅内煮沸,冷却后用纱布过滤,盛人缸内。这时西瓜酒的度数不高,可按要求加入白酒进行调整,然后封缸,在常温下陈酿60天后即可装瓶、饮用。陈酿时间愈久,味道和品质愈好。
5. 贮存。西瓜酒的贮存适温为5-25℃。因此在阴凉干燥的地方贮存较为适宜
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