说的是真的,一是男人成熟了一些,看透了一些事情,一切都要付出代价的,年轻人那种死去活来的爱还可以,老了就不能丢人现眼了。二是男人老了,精力有限,自己的家庭,老婆孩子工作前途等等都忙不过来,那里有时间和心思花前月下啊。三是一般有孩子的家庭男人即使不顾及老婆的感受,也会想想自己孩子的未来的,所以即使有贼心也没有贼胆的,最多对感兴趣的多看几眼,或是幻想一下而已。1 @* Y' o0 B4 ]0 ~6 L
实际上,女人出门办事比男人容易很多的,对办事的男人微笑一下,对方一般都愿意帮忙的。男人就不行,笑的越多,越办不成。4 R# t! t1 f2 _5 I6 K% E
楼主是成年人,我个人没有任何的分析能力和建议。4 F, L* `. J" D" T, j
唉,一句话,我老了,懒的思考了。* v/ a: g; N0 u. L! t4 m
Post by montrealpost
+ ?, a6 b! ?+ z0 ]5 ] Me too - 顶这2句话! Ha ha!!
: F z1 N; i* ~: N5 kSnowing, I just happen to have 1 at home, 赶也不走.
+ ~ R$ N. P& ]& w2 ZNothing sophisticated, just he's old enough to understand . . . . . women are trouble (Actually, he's LAZY, meeting new person takes time and energy :p )7 j! p# S0 J# F- |* u; ^# n! l0 r. ?. f
$ g" N" X2 |- s/ k- K0 W; R9 x2 y[QUOTE=snowing]顶这句话!* ?/ ^+ h3 _+ i! u2 B( Y/ ^
0 ]# S: k5 ?4 P( W; M, {4 J9 q不过作为男人,大部分是不会或不敢。不想的恐怕不多!, i3 [/ p" \* T7 M
; |6 n/ ^5 f. ?$ s1 h; y
8 \' D; R) w8 A9 b
" G" ]4 @, M' |也请扬二嫂们 stop stop, thanks!!
8 @! o5 _$ M6 V: u& }
; ? u: m' v: H+ j" v2 \6 w青果, 也请 say a few words. Lots of people on this posting replied with their sincerely and their hearts, the least u could do is to thank them. Furthermore, u better check your PM box. Even if u don't like any PM, if any(I havn't send any), don't forget to thanks them and make sure your PM box has space.
% G4 z9 u9 W8 P7 c% n' r4 c
& [- B* p2 [1 N1 xOperation or having baby, start taking care of your health. Be positive! |