When I was studying 电子工程, my classmate lao Huang, a Nanjingnese, tried to asked the tutor a question. But she just don't answer, she is a chinese and a tutor of a university here . And she is from Zhejiang University.
I just don't understand why she didn't answer Huang's quesion, and Huang had to drop that course probably because that tutor. The current university admistration should regulate the tutor and her professor to be nice to the tuition payer.
The professor is From Shanghai Jiaotong Daxue. She handed out finals to other students while not me, I have the evidence.
So I don't study 电子工程 any more, it is full of chinese remainders.
Post by 情定爱琴海
大概我们国家的教育体制有问题吧,呵呵 你想当政治家?教育家?社会学家? 我觉得阁下还是把电子工程师做好先,呵呵!
Probably you don't need me to defend your corner next time.
Put my As on the table, calculate the gain and loss. I am very good at calculation.
Post by 情定爱琴海