1."我怎么样才能用HSBC Direct Savings Account去付我别的银行的VISA啊?"
- BILL PAYMENT function - City tax, Hydro, Bell, Visa, MC, etc. etc. (no income tax yet)
- "Real-time" payment can be done via Internet or Telephone Banking.
(I sort of think they only do batch process overnight, confirm with HSBC)
- Post dated payment can only be done via Internet.
(I do this once a month to pay ALL bills)
- no service charge
2. 还有这个HSBC的帐户可以 . . . 是不是说我可以转到别的银行的帐户, 好像别的银行不能这么转的吧!
=> I don't know how other bank works. fengfeng has already given u a GREAT ANSWER.
3. "那这种转账是实时到账的还是需要等几天的啊?"
- Transfer out from HSBC, no hold, except it may take 1-3 business days for your bank to show transfer.
(Call TRANSFER by HSBC, in reality it'll show as DIRECT DEPOSIT at your other bank)
(I believe they only do overnight batch process, confirm that with HSBC)
- Transfer into HSBC, HSBC hold for 5 business days.
- I do transfer out through HSBC internet. Transfer-in, I use my BMO cheques to avoid the 5 B-days hold. |