Post by 饼干与鸟窝
This dental clinic is located in west island, maybe too far for you.
As april24 said, 缝合伤口depends on the 创面, which determined by the position of your tooth. I had one of my wisdom teeth exacted 3 years ago in China, that one was横睡在牙槽骨上, and I had to do it in surgery room. it took the dentist about 30 minutes to pull it out, he used 手术锤,把牙齿翘出的。 :mad: , and 缝合伤口 was definitely needed. It was very painful, almost the worst experience of my life! It cost me RMB350
As for this one, Its position was very good. It just took the dentist 3 minutes and cost me CND103.
So, don't worry too much. It all depends on the tooth itself, dentist is not the most important factor here. Good luck! |