Centre de la petite enfance (CPE)
简单说就是我们平时说的公立的,比较多是大的单位或学校都有相应的CPE来为职工学生的孩子服务,非营利机构 non-profit
Garderie 带有这个的,一般都是私立的,属于营利机构,profit , 但是有些有政府资助,所以也是7元一天,很多人会误认为他们也是公立的,
Garderie en milieu familial
Gardienne à domicile
there were two daycare systems in QC----Centre de la petite enfant(CPE), and the private. CPE was public, not for profit and not own by person. Seven parents run it, and there was a board of directors. They hire a director for the CPE.
Therefore, the private is for profit, it runs by the owner or a director hired by the owner..
The CPE and some private daycares are subsidized by gouvernment of QUEBEC. The parents just pay $7/day. Service, food, education are quality in the CPE. 2/3 educators must be qualified in the CPE. Every daycare provides ten hours’ care, 1 hot meal and 2 snacks.