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投资florida 房产

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发表于 2009-9-28 08:21 | 只看该作者

About purchasing condo in florida

I have already purchased the condos in Florida for investment.
If you want to know something about investment in Florida, I may give your some idea. You can write me to
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-6 22:13 | 只看该作者

just returned from florida

for the purpose of investment in florida real estate, i have spent 10 days there and got some ideas of what the market is alike and also made couple of offers. if you are also interested, i will like to help and give you advises. please send me email to:  jackyuan64@hotmail.com
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发表于 2009-10-16 00:18 | 只看该作者


本打算再去趟古巴,如果有人同行,或者可以改去FL, 顺便考察或买套便宜房子,免得老为去哪里取暖犯愁。
看到Riviera beach的Town House 5,6万就能买一套,那个beach好吗?区域有问题吗?飓风或水灾频繁吗?房子半年没人住会不会很危险?愿意义务当参谋的或愿意同行者请联系flagliang@hotmail.com
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发表于 2009-10-26 20:29 | 只看该作者

Florida 房產投資講座

本週5 上午10﹕30 有Florida 房產投資講座。 由美國房產投資專業人士提供。有意者﹐請和我聯係。(我曾通過他介紹﹐今年在FLORIDA買了房子.聽他的講座﹐會受益不小。)
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-1 17:55 | 只看该作者

debate on florida real estate investment

Following are my thoughts after a month study of the florida real estate market. Please join me in the debate and give your opinion       <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-comfficeffice" /><o:p></o:p>
Advocate                                                                                                             <o:p></o:p>
1.       Some economic experts say: this recession hit so hard to Florida real estates, it will at least take 20 years to recover.  As an investment, you do not want to hold your property for more than 10 years; <o:p></o:p>
2.       In 2008, it is the first time in about half century in Florida, there is a negative population growth. What does it mean to you as an investor? It means it is more likely you can not find tenants for your property<o:p></o:p>
3.       Some people may say I will just lock it and Waite for price recovers. Do you know the cost of keeping a property in Florida? Property tax is about 2.7% of your property value per year, condo fee is 200 to 300 per month even some town house and single houses also need to pay condo fee; air condition electricity cost is about 200 per month. Say your house value is 100,000, you need to pay 2700 per year for tax (2700/12=225 per month) and your  total cost to keep the house will be US$625 (225+200+200) per month.  Also you need to add interest cost if you borrow money<o:p></o:p>
4.       You may ask why I have to turn air condition on if I lock my house. In Florida, you need air condition all year long for 365 days, even nobody lives there because it have all kinds of problem to  your house if it is too hot<o:p></o:p>
5.       Who will look after your house while you are not there? You may hire a management company for sure, but another cost will be added and also Florida tax has to be paid on your rental income<o:p></o:p>
6.       If you are lucky, you may find a good tenant. If you are not lucky and get a bad tenant, you may have problem in collecting your rent or even lawsuit or damage to your house and you need to pay to repair it later<o:p></o:p>
7.       You may also say that I just keep it as a vacation home escaping the winter here in Montreal.  It is lot cheaper to stay in a hotel  or a resort than keeping a house there<o:p></o:p>
8.       Why invest in Florida? It is too hot in summer and higher crime rate than other places and more than 50% of the people speak only Spanish, no English<o:p></o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
<o:p> </o:p>
1.       As economic al cycle, it will be recovery after 2 or 3 years of recession. Currently, recession has been about 2 years and many indicators has shown a sign of recovery<o:p></o:p>
2.       If there is a 50% recovery in real estate price in 5 years, my house will worth 150,000 at that time and my total cost will be 37,500 (625*12*5) and my profit is 12,500 (50,000-37,500); If 100% recovery in price, I will make 62,500 in 5 years<o:p></o:p>
3.       You can not see many recessions like this in your life. This a life time chance for you to invest. Investing in real estate normally will bring you good return according to past experiences.<o:p></o:p>
4.       We may organize a group of people to look after our houses ourselves by turn. So we may safe money by managing ourselves.<o:p></o:p>
5.       Florida is the only warm place close to Montreal. Many Quebecoise have already invested in Florida in the past. Now we have the best price comparing with those people investing there long time ago.<o:p></o:p>
6.       The quality of life by living in a nice community is high because there are so many beautiful communities with gyms, and pools<o:p></o:p>
7.       The qualities of the houses are good because it is all concrete structure, not wood. <o:p></o:p>
8.       I may live there 6 month in winter and here in Montreal 6 month in summer. So I may have the advantage of the owning a property in both places.<o:p></o:p>
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发表于 2009-11-1 21:15 | 只看该作者

去之前我在网上和listing agent取得了联系。她给我发了很多信息,她手里有大量的short sell 和bank owner的房子,在那种诱惑面前,我真恨恨不得插翅而飞,快点看看那么便宜的房子,梦想着掏到金元宝。


后来我还是不死心,就找到当地的杂志,看到了一个当地新建的汤号斯,那个agent特别积极的带我去,一个要价69000,他主动问我如果要买两个的话可以 110000成交,我问他这个区域是不是不好的区?他说不是最坏的,后来认识了一个中国的agent才明白那是Florida很有名的区域,难怪房子那么便宜。

说起agent,我还是感觉到中国人比较亲切,我遇到了一个北京的小伙子,跟他一通电话他就很爽快的把 Florida大致的好坏区域跟我说的很清楚,告诉我什么区域绝对不能去,房子买了之后今后很难出售。我把我想要的房子大致跟他谈了,他手里没有合适的,但他还是抽时间带我到度假村看了几个房子。
在度假村里也许是淡季的原因,看不见人很多房子都空着,有很多房子建出来之后就从来没有卖出去。原来 4,50万的cando现在只有10万左右,我动心了,但是看到每个月600多的cando fee 和一年5000多的税金,还是觉得自己的钱包太瘪了。我感到很歉意,没有让他挣到钱,我要请他吃饭,他说你不必介意,说太忙了婉言谢绝了。但我把我的信息都留下了,希望有合适的机会及时通知我。


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发表于 2009-11-4 12:51 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-11-10 19:39 | 只看该作者

one more point

at current price, it is easy to get 10% investment return per year if you get your house rented. and in addition you expect to have capital gain in 5 years.
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发表于 2009-12-21 13:06 | 只看该作者


Post by Saleandbuy;2408007


说起agent,我还是感觉到中国人比较亲切,我遇到了一个北京的小伙子,跟他一通电话他就很爽快的把 Florida大致的好坏区域跟我说的很清楚,告诉我什么区域绝对不能去,房子买了之后今后很难出售。我把我想要的房子大致跟他谈了,他手里没有合适的,但他还是抽时间带我到度假村看了几个房子。
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发表于 2010-2-15 16:22 | 只看该作者
Post by jackjy;2415916
at current price, it is easy to get 10% investment return per year if you get your house rented. and in addition you expect to have capital gain in 5 years.
请问这10% 是相对于现在买房子的价格的每年10%,还是相对于首期款的每年10%?
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