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魁省10月擬推出考駕照新規定 以降低年輕司機交通意外死亡率

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发表于 2009-11-10 19:54 | 只看该作者

(1) 从1月17号开始,没有拿到学习驾照的都需要上驾校学习24小时的理论课,再加上15小时的车上训练。(在国内有驾照的除外)
(2) 上了10个小时的理论课后,通过网上的考试,由驾校开具证明,去SAAQ换取学习驾照。有了学习驾照后,再回到驾校,开始进一步理论课的学习和车上训练,两者交互进行,典型的做法是讲完有关的理论后,在车上进行针对性的训练,两者密切相关。这样进行至少10个月后,参加SAAQ的理论考试,通过后,完成剩余的学习和训练,至少两个月后,在达到驾校的要求的前提下,参加SAAQ的路考。路考方式将与现行方式完全不同,考官将不再告诉你在哪里转弯,给你图,告诉你目的地,你自己规划路径开过去。整个过程至少持续13个月。
(3) 新的规定对驾校,教练和学生要求很高,很多要利用计算机和网络技术。注重理论知识的学习和实际驾驶的训练。
(4) 费用问题:近40个小时的学习大概会花费$850到$1000.
3dvrd.com 三维驾校,专业诚信负责 || 分校: Côte Vertu 5146788989 市中心 5145626881
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-4 16:42 | 只看该作者
<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #efefef; COLOR: #efefef" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Here is the information about new law available at this time.

The scheduled date for driving courses to become mandatory is January 17 2010 (Date to be confirmed). The proposed regulation amending the Regulation Respecting Licences is published in the Gazette du Québec since June 30, 2009 to allow for comments. The regulation must clear all stages of approval before the official date of implementation.

Theory and practical courses will become mandatory. The course will last 39 hours, 24 hours will be devoted to theory and 15 hours to practice. The cost of the new course is not known. It will be set by the driving schools.

The class 5 learner's licence will be delivered at service centres upon presentation of proof that phase 1 of the driving course has been succesfully completed. Phase 1 consists of 5 modules of theory of 2 hours each. At this stage, it is no longer necessary to successfully pass the SAAQ knowledge test to obtain the learner's licence.

The learner's licence must be held for a minimum of 12 months before a probationary licence can be issued.

The theory and practical tests for class 5 can be retaken after a waiting period of 28 days. (now 7 days and 21 days).

A person holding a class 5 learner's licence before the effective date of implementation of the new measures maintains his or her right to pass the practical test after 8 months if a driving course was completed or twelve months if it was not.

The probationary licence must be held for 24 months after the learning period and will be mandatory for everyone, without regards to age.

A person who has held a probationary licence before the scheduled date of implementation of the new measures maintains his or her right to obtain a driver's licence after 24 months or age 25, whichever comes first.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-12 21:49 | 只看该作者

Cost of obligatory driving course as of 17 January, 2010
Registration fee/opening of file..........................$  79.00
Theory course:  24 hours x $12.50$/hr.................$300.00
Practical course:   15 hours x $40.00/hr................$600.00

                                                                                      GST 5.0%            $  48.95
                                                                                      PST 7.5%             $  80.77
                                                                                            Total           $1,157.67

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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-2 19:52 | 只看该作者


资料来源:http://www.sinomontreal.ca/htdoc ... -7530DBEDEAEE.shtml
日前,魁北克交通局(Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec,SAAQ)表示,从2010年1月17日起,申请驾驶执照者必须要在获得了省政府认可的驾驶学校中完成24个课时的驾驶理论的学习,在此之后,还要经过15个课时的驾车实习,才能考取驾照。但AAQ表示,此规定不适用于已经在魁省境外获得驾驶执照者。
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发表于 2010-1-3 13:01 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-10 09:51 | 只看该作者


新法将要实施,消息来源:http://montreal.ctv.ca/servlet/a ... 28?hub=MontrealHome
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-10 09:58 | 只看该作者


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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-17 18:24 | 只看该作者


新的交通安全教育法今天终于在颁布两年后实施了。详细内容参阅:http://www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca/en/dr ... s_driving/index.php


要求参加驾驶当然是政府的策略,以提高零件 魁北克氏道路安全记录。 80新的驱动程序占百分之16至24岁的青年人。这些新的驱动程序参与了事故和交通违章过高的数量。但是,他们并不孤单。它也表明,所有新的驱动程序,不论其年龄,在更大的风险是在第一次驾驶数年。
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-17 18:27 | 只看该作者
Rules for Access to Driving a Passenger Vehicle (Class 5)

A 12-Month Learning Period for Everyone
<ACRONYM title="Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec" xml:lang="fr">SAAQ</ACRONYM> studies have shown that the learning phase is the period during which accident rates are by far the lowest.
The period during which a person is required to hold a learner's licence to drive a passenger vehicle (class 5) has been extended from 8 to 12 months for everyone.
The purpose of this measure is to allow prospective drivers to gain driving experience under the safest possible conditions, that is, in the presence of an accompanying rider.
The Wait Time to Retake a Knowledge Test or a Road Test is Extended to 28 Days
It is important for candidates to be properly prepared for tests and that they make an extra effort if they fail. The wait times to retake tests have therefore been extended from 7 to 28 days for the knowledge test, and from 21 to 2 days for the road test.
The new wait times apply to all new drivers, as well as individuals who have not been authorized to drive for 3 years or longer and new residents who are eligible for a licence exchange with testing.
A Mandatory 24-Month Probationary Licence for Everyone
All new drivers, regardless of their age, are at greater risk of being involved in an accident during their first few years of driving, due to their lack of experience. As a result, the probationary licence is mandatory and has been extended to 24 months for everyone (rather than 24 months or until age 25, whichever comes first).
<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->The Procedure New Drivers Must Follow to Obtain a Driver's Licence to Operate a Passenger Vehicle

There are five steps to obtaining a class 5 driver's licence:

  • Registering for a driving course
  • Obtaining a learner's licence
  • Passing the knowledge test
  • Passing the road test
  • Obtaining a probationary licence
1. Registering for a Driving Course at a Recognized Driving School
Registering for the mandatory passenger vehicle driving course is the first step on the road to obtaining a learner's licence. The course includes both a theoretical and a practical component, and must be taken at a school that is recognized by the Association québécoise du transport et des routes (<ACRONYM title="Association québécoise du transport et des routes" xml:lang="fr">AQTR</ACRONYM>).
2. Obtaining a Class 5 Learner's Licence
To obtain a class 5 learner's licence, candidates must have successfully completed Phase 1 of the driving course at a driving school that is recognized by the Association québécoise du transport et des routes (<ACRONYM title="Association québécoise du transport et des routes" xml:lang="fr">AQTR</ACRONYM>).
They are also required to fill out the <ACRONYM title="Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec" xml:lang="fr">SAAQ</ACRONYM>'s Declaration of Illness or Impairment form, show that they meet the <ACRONYM title="Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec" xml:lang="fr">SAAQ</ACRONYM>'s medical requirements and pass the <ACRONYM title="Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec" xml:lang="fr">SAAQ</ACRONYM>'s vision test.

3. Passing the Knowledge Test
To be eligible for the test, candidates are required to have held a class 5 learner's licence for at least 10 months.
4. Passing the Road Test

To be eligible for the test, which they must pass in order to obtain a probationary licence, candidates must:

  • have passed the knowledge test;
  • have held a class 5 learner's licence for at least 12 months;
  • have successfully completed the theoretical and practical components of the driving course at a driving school recognized by the Association québécoise du transport et des routes (<ACRONYM title="Association québécoise du transport et des routes" xml:lang="fr">AQTR</ACRONYM>).
5. Obtaining a Probationary Licence
A probationary licence can be obtained after passing the road test. This is the final step before a driver's licence can be issued. A probationary licence is mandatory for all new drivers and is valid for 24 months.
Rules for Access to Driving a Passenger Vehicle and Motorcycle in Effect as of January 17, 2010

The requirement to take a driving course is part of the Government strategy to improve Québec's road safety record. Eighty percent of new drivers are young people between the ages of 16 and 24. These new drivers are involved in a disproportionately higher number of accidents and traffic violations. But they are not alone. It has also been shown that all new drivers, regardless of their age, are at greater risk during their first few years of driving.
The contents of the driving course have undergone a comprehensive review to enable new drivers to acquire the competencies necessary to become safe, cooperative and responsible drivers. The course focuses on anticipating risks, dangerous behaviour (speeding, alcohol or drug consumption, distractions) and sharing the road. The knowledge tests and road tests have also been updated in light of the latest knowledge about driver training and testing..
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发表于 2010-1-18 10:40 | 只看该作者
Post by liyuanmtl;2472996
新的交通安全教育法今天终于在颁布两年后实施了。详细内容参阅:http://www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca/en/dr ... s_driving/index.php


要求参加驾驶当然是政府的策略,以提高零件 魁北克氏道路安全记录。 80新的驱动程序占百分之16至24岁的青年人。这些新的驱动程序参与了事故和交通违章过高的数量。但是,他们并不孤单。它也表明,所有新的驱动程序,不论其年龄,在更大的风险是在第一次驾驶数年。

3dvrd.com 三维驾校,专业诚信负责 || 分校: Côte Vertu 5146788989 市中心 5145626881
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