楼主: chittyfan
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发表于 2009-10-30 21:01 | 只看该作者
Post by chittyfan;2406215
For the 15 months training course:
You have two choices (English or French), as usual ,they have two classes,one is English class and the other is French class.

There is one thing I wanna tell you that even though you chose to go to the English class, sometimes you also need to read some French web site because we don't have books for some class, the teacher only give you the web site to get the information.That's a little bit hard.

Above all , it's better learn a little French before or during the class.:wink:

There are 4 semesters in this program, usually 3.5 months per semester. In the 3rd and 4th semester, the college will provide you some opportunities to practise in daycare. In my opinion ,it's easier to find a job,of course ,it also depends on indivadul.

you are so nice!!
Thanks for replying.......
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发表于 2009-10-31 09:48 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-10-31 13:33 | 只看该作者
Can you open your own day care after graduated your major?
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-31 14:21 | 只看该作者

of course

You can open your own home-family daycare or daycare or home private daycare.
There are different.It depends your wish and your abilities and your condition( money,place...)

1. the home-family daycare: the parents will pay you 7$/day/child and the government will pay you about 33$/day/child, the Maximum children you can receive is 6,and if you hire a person to help you ,then the maximum children you can receive is 9.

2. the home private daycare: you must disscuss the payment with parents, there is not support from governrnment.

3.the daycare: 7$/day/child, about 33$/day/child  from government, the maximum children you can receive is 80. You need enough money and place and a lot of condition which the government ask you to submit.
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-31 14:27 | 只看该作者

here you are

Post by yau;2406679
Lasalle college lies in St-Catherine street, near the ATWATER station of metro.You can find the exact address by internet.
As usual, in January, May and September,they set up the program .It'd better ask the college .
366$/month, you pay each month.
About French , I am not so sure but I think that you can try .
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发表于 2009-10-31 15:14 | 只看该作者
Hi,楼主我看到你发的贴子后专门去学校咨询了,他们1月18号开学. 需要学历认证,不需要考试.英语授课..开一个你在哪学过英语的证明.

她说学费大概是1千多. 现在就可以报名.她还说不需要法语


我也有兴趣读这个. 谁有兴趣的大家一起去学吧


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 楼主| 发表于 2009-10-31 21:43 | 只看该作者


;)hope you girls everything will be fine.
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