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Save Money Online with Great Canadian Rebates – Chapters Coupon
Written by FrugalTrader on Jan 28, 2008 filed under Saving Strategies
I was surfing the web for a chapters coupon last week and came across a site called GreatCanadianRebates. As it turns out, this site allows their members to get CASH BACK rebates (and coupons) when doing their online shopping through specific vendors… with no membership cost. Yes.. free.
This is not a sponsored post. With online shopping becoming more popular, I thought that this was a great money saving site to share with the readers of MDJ.
How does it work?
When you’re ready to shop at a store that they have listed, simply sign in, and click the store link within your account. That will bring you to the store website. When you make a purchase, the store will credit GreatCanadianRebates with a commission which is then passed onto you (or a portion of it).
GreatCanadianRebates send out their payments via PayPal or cheque every two months for balances over $3 ($20 for cheques). If you choose the PayPal route, make sure to sign up with your PayPal email address. You basically get money back for the online shopping that you were doing anyways.
Some notable online stores included and their discounts:
* Chapters: 4.0%
* Westjet: 1.50%
* Canadian Tire: 3.50%
* Expedia.ca Hotels: 2.0%
* Home Depot: 2.0%
* New CarCostCanada membership: 10.5%
* eBay (winning bid): 26.5% of ebay fees charged to seller
* Rogers Magazine Service: 16.25% off already discounted magazines subscriptions like MoneySense, Canadian Business, Maclean’s, Today’s Parent and more.
Why are we recommending this?
I know, some of you are thinking that I’m cannibalizing my own affiliate book sales by recommending this site. For those of you who don’t know, every time you buy a book through MDJ, we get credited with a commission of around 4% of the total sale. Now, GreatCanadianRebates is allowing the regular web surfer to collect the commission for themselves.
I think that everyone wins in this situation. You will save a percentage of your purchases in the form of a cash back payment. As a reward for saving you money, GreatCanadianRebates will kick back 10% of your total rebate received to MDJ. For example, if you receive $5 in a cash back rebate after 2 months, MDJ will receive $0.50. If you refer your friends, you will also get 10% of their rebates.
New Member Promotion
* All new sign ups get $2 automatically added to their account.
* I contacted GreatCanadianRebates to see if they could offer anything extra for the readers of MDJ. They graciously offered a $25 Amazon/Chapters GC giveaway contest for every 100 referrals.
How do I join?
In order to sign up under MDJ, please join with the link below which will automatically recognize you as a MDJ referral. Joining is pretty painless and all they really need is your email address.
Note that if you plan to get your cash back rebates via PayPal, you need to use your PayPal email address.
Sign up for GreatCanadianRebates
Can U.S Residents sign up also?
This was an important issue before I started recommending GreatCanadianRebates as MDJ has a lot of U.S based readers. They have confirmed that U.S Residents can sign up as members. In fact, there are a lot of U.S based stores on their merchants list.
Note, only PayPal as a payment method is accepted for U.S residents.
You may be thinking that they sell your information to make money, however, their FAQ clearly indicates that they will never sell or giveaway your personal information to third parties.
Final Thoughts:
GreatCanadianRebates.ca really is a win-win situation. You get cash back rebates for buying stuff online while MDJ gets a small kick back for your spending. In addition, it’s not only free to join, they give you $2 in your account to start you off along with the potential to win a $25 book store gift certificate.
If you’re really keen, you can use a cash back credit card when making a purchase which will bump your savings up even more.
Sign up for GreatCanadianRebates
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32 Comments, Comment or Ping
1. Michelle Dawn
This is great. I followed your referral link and signed up. Thanks!
Jan 28th, 2008 @ 9:24 am
2. NeverStopBuying.com
Sigh, I applaud for the recommendation of GCR, but personally I dislike blog posts that involve referral, regardless of blog or the site. Plus you should mention this in a disclaimer
*** Original referrer gets 10% from 1st level referrees ***
Also check out DealGuild.com for another cashback website like GCR. Referral there too
I have received about $70 from GCR thus far with $30 more to come. It’s Canadian version of FatWallet in my mind
I also love their weekly double-cashback promotion
At one time they had 6% cashback for Canadian Tire, and I bought $1000 gift card!!
Jan 28th, 2008 @ 12:25 pm
3. FrugalTrader
I have no problems with referrals if it benefits the reader. I have posted the referral benefits within the post(twice):
As a reward for saving you money, GreatCanadianRebates will kick back 10% of your total rebate received to MDJ. For example, if you receive $5 in a cash back rebate after 2 months, MDJ will receive $0.50. If you refer your friends, you will also get 10% of their rebates.
..GreatCanadianRebates.ca really is a win-win situation. You get cash back rebates for buying stuff online while MDJ gets a small kick back for your spending.
Jan 28th, 2008 @ 12:29 pm
4. Soultrance
Signed up with your referral. This will work great for me when buying from Chapters/Indigo as I already have an iRewards card that gets me discounts, so this will just be an added bonus on top of that.
Thanks FT.
Jan 28th, 2008 @ 1:19 pm
5. Nick
There are a tons of site which do this and have been doing this for a long time now. FatWallet.com, SlickDeals.net are among the top paying cash rebate sites and they have an affiliation with almost all stores/webstores that do business in the US and may be Canada.
Jan 29th, 2008 @ 5:28 pm
6. FrugalTrader
For those of you interested, Canadian tire is offering 6% off and free shipping on selected items.
More details here:
Jan 30th, 2008 @ 12:42 pm
7. CanadianImmigrant
Done Thanks for the info.
Jan 30th, 2008 @ 1:52 pm
8. lei
Thanks for the info. I will use this for future reference.
Jan 31st, 2008 @ 12:29 pm
9. Mike
Not to knock on the party but still make sure that you price compare; just scanning some of the electronics and hardware (hey I’m a guy) offerings at Canadian Tire, Home Depot and Tiger Direct, prices are still lower (net of rebates) if you look around elsewhere.
the chapters will be great though. I spend a fortune on books.
Feb 1st, 2008 @ 1:25 am
25. Dane Praed
I signed up too with the aim of using the Chapters option but I found that every book I looked at cost less at Amazon so I’m not sure if their 4% ends up doing anything but evening the playing field. Will definitely keep my eye on it though. Thanks!!
Nov 21st, 2008 @ 8:13 pm
26. roacvarm
Dec 1st, 2008 @ 1:41 pm
28. Don J
I am trying to sign up using you as a referrer, but the links appear to be broken right now — if I sign up directly through the GCR site, what email address do I use to identify you as my referrer?
Dec 12th, 2008 @ 3:33 pm
29. FrugalTrader
Don, this link should work:
http://www.milliondollarjourney. ... reatCanadianRebates
Dec 12th, 2008 @ 3:36 pm
30. Bankruptcy Regina
This is a fantastic find! Thanks for sharing! Always great to find ways you can save money online while shopping.
Jul 29th, 2009 @ 10:49 am |