Generally, when your main means of living is one of the following:
- self-employment;
- engagement in the operation of your business;
- farming or owning part of a farming business; or
- working as an independent worker.
You are considered to be working a full working week, therefore not unemployed, and cannot be paid EI benefits
In some circumstances, if you have accumulated enough insurable hours from other work than your self-employment activities you may be paid regular or maternity, parental, sickness and compassionate care benefits as long as you meet the requirements to receive these benefits.
In order to be paid, you must show that you are actually unemployed for each week you claim EI. You are unemployed if you do not work a full working week. You have to actively look for another job, be willing and able to work at all times. If you are self-employed or if you take up self-employment activities while you are on EI, the work that you do must be so small that you are unable to make a living from it.
For more detailed information on EI special benefits for self-employed people (maternity, parental, compassionate care and sickness benefits), please visit the Web site.