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[电脑] 想装卫星电视啊!!!!!__________卫星电视abc

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发表于 2004-10-3 23:23 | 只看该作者

Polarization 下行中心频率(MHz):12161
Downlink Freq. 下行极化方式:水平Horizontal
Polarization 符号率(Ms/S):20000




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发表于 2004-10-4 09:55 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2004-10-4 15:24 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2004-10-5 07:47 | 只看该作者
<TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR height=60><TD vAlign=center align=middle>17个中国卫视频道落地北美 美300万华人可收看 </TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=center align=middle><HR></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=center align=middle>2004年10月03日 20时10分 来源:南方日报?? 作者:任民</TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top>
  北京消息 在国庆55周年之际,由中央电视台中国国际电视总公司和美国艾科斯塔公司合作推出的中国电视“长城平台”今晚在此间正式开播,17个中国卫星电视频道在北美洲落地,为美国300万华人华侨提供更多精彩节目,满足他们的收视需求;并为英语、西班牙语和法语观众打开了解中国的窗口。 (newstarnet.com)
  除央视国际、英语、西班牙语及法语频道及戏曲台、娱乐台、电影台外,新开播的“长城平台”套装还包括北京电视台、上海东方卫视、广东南方电视、江苏台国际频道、福建东南台、湖南卫视、中国黄河电视台、凤凰卫视、凤凰资讯、亚洲电视本港台和华夏电视台。 (桥梁。 
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发表于 2004-10-5 12:17 | 只看该作者

下一步打算买个MOTOR SG2100

还不知道DISH和高频头选十么好. 我打算买76CM的DISH. 大家有十么建议吗.
Post by franklin
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发表于 2004-10-5 17:01 | 只看该作者
PC 接收卡和MOTOR都买好了Blackbird Twinhan V.P. vision 1020a FTA SG2100 HH Dish MOTOR FTA

下一步打算买DISH, Winegard 30 Inch 76 cm Dish


还望高手指点. 先谢了

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-5 23:05 | 只看该作者


玩家所选的接收机必须支持软件升级,多为: Panset, Fortec, BB or Dreambox那么究竟哪款好?给大家推荐一篇文章参考参考!树立一个概念!

What receiver to buy? Fortec, Panset, BB or Dreambox, etc?
Want a reliable FTA receiver and do not know what to get? I am not a dealer or affiliated with any manufacturer, so I have no ax to grind. This guide will pass along my observations as a FTA user and give you a good place to start your FTA education.
I have both a Pansat 2500a and a Fortec Ultra and here are the differences. They are both fine and proven receivers with blind search, which are made by the same company, Hyundai. They both can use the others software, but to do that you would need a econd remote to match the flash (add $20 USD). So, If you flash a the ultra with the Pansat, you will need to buy a Pansat remote. And vice versa for Pansat with Ultra flash (same cost for remote).
The Ultra is currently selling for $20-30 USD less than the Pansat. Both are reliable, easy to set up and have s-video and coax TV outputs. Both do not provide electronic program guides for Dish and have limited guides for Bev.The fortec and pansat both have digital audio out.
The Pansat is a bit more deluxe, has some extra features and a two-year warrantee as opposed to a one-year for the Ultra. But, I do not know if that matters, since once you flash either unit, the manufacturers say the warrantee is void.
The Pansat 2500A has a nicer (on screen cosmetics) and little friendlier interface (IMHO not a big deal). If you flash your Ultra to Pansat (I have), it becomes a Pansat in these respects. But a word of caution after the BB clone time bomb and chip fiasco killed so many BB’s, be careful of anti-clone flashes as Black List clams for clones using his Pansat flashes.
However the true Pansat has a motor controller and an optional (costs more) UHF Remote kit, so you can control the same receiver connected to several TVs through walls. You would get the same channel on each TV though. The motor controller enables you to
motorize and automatically position your dish antenna.With a properly set up system, you would be able to receive any TV or Radio channel automatically on any sat that is visable and receivable in your area on your equipment. That is as long as there are no obstructions, you use the correct LNB, and your dish is large enough.Performance and picture quality are about the same. Both provide an excellent picture to a quality TV The bottom line is:Buy the Pansat if the extra price does not matter and/or you want a proven unit that will allow you to motorize your dish.
Buy the Ultra if you want the best bang-for-the buck in a proven unit and/or do not need a unit that will allow you to motorize your dish.
So what about the PanTec clone that is about $30 USD cheaper than the Fortec Ultra and is said to be a cross between the Pansat and the Fortec? It is said to be able to use both Pansat and Fortec software and even comes with both remotes. It is smaller than either of the better-known units. The downsides are it has just come out, has no history and we do not know what the support will be like or even if it will be truly compatible with all future Pansat and Fortec lashes. Please note: Unlike the Pansat and Fortec units the PanTec is not factory flashed for anything-not even FTA. So it is not ready to do anything out of the box. You will first have to flash it to the PanTec
factory flash (FTA) and then to any other flash. If you flash the PanTec to anything else before you do the factory flash, it will have to be J-Taged or returned to the factory. Also the PanTec loader will
only work with Windows XP it will not work with Win98, Win95 and other OS's.
Buy PanTec ONLY if you are willing to take a chance on an unproven receiver, are prepared to do a more dificult and less-forgiving setup, you have Windows XP and you need the lowest cost. But for even $30-$50 more, I would recommend a Fortec or a Pansat. Since
some dealers are selling the Fortec for less than $10 USD more than they sell the PanTec, there the choice is a no brainer.
What if money is no object? The Dreambox is said to be great! Everything I have heard about it has been positive. Dreambox does provide electronic program guides (EPG) for Dish and Bev and has a built-in hard drive for recording and time-shifting. Its only downside is that since there is a very steep learning curve, I have been told that it may be too dificult for newbies.
The BlackBird is also in that price range but, after the clone-kill timebomb and chip upgrade fiascos, I would never buy a BlackBird. Besides even if BB works, many would argue that the Pansat and Fortec provide equal performance with better support. And you could buy two (almost three) Fortec Ultras for the price of a single BlackBird.
Another way to go is by using a PCI DVB card in your computer. Its major advantage is that it is easier and faster to recover from an ECM with thie card. Since it is open sourced, you can even fix it yourself, unlike a FTA receiver. The PCI DVB does provide electronic
program guides (EPG) for Dish and Bev and uses your computer's hard drive for recording and time-shifting.But the FTA receiver is much easier to set up than the PCI DVB card. Also the picture quality may not be quite as good with the PCI DVB card as it is with a FTA receiver -- depending on the program and the video card you use with the card.
If you want to buy a card, the Hauppauge Nexus-S (or a clone) is by far the best and easiest to set up and it includes a built-in processor and video outputs. But with a list price of $200 USD, it is also one of the most expensive. IMHO: I own one and it is well worth the premium, if you can afford it. Its TV output with a quality TV and My Theater is high quality. The picture will not be as good with the FREE program ProgDVB.Lots of people swear by the harder-to set up Twinhan card, which will only set you back less than half of the Nexus-S. But, unlike the Nexus-s, it requires a faster computer, installing codecs, and good video card with a TV output if you want to watch on your TV. But with a steet price of $70-$80 USD, many people find that it is the lowest priced reliable ticket to FTA.
This is not meant to teach you everything you need to know. However, it will provide a good foundation for your FTA education.

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-5 23:34 | 只看该作者



1. A flashable fta receiver (don't ask whitch one, there are several)
2. A straight female to female serial cable. AKA a RS232 cable . If you are coming from D*v* or D*sh, and have a programmer,loader etc. you already have the correct cable. If you are not sure, use an ohmeter and check pin 1-1 2-2 etc. all pins should show continuity pin to pin.
3. Download software for the receiver you have chosen. (edit by cruelio-updated info you cannot download from this site until you've been registered for an hour)
4. Download the howto or read the thread for the receiver you have chosen.
5. flash the receiver with the correct software.
6. follow the instructions on setting up your receiver.
7. Aim your dish at your chosen satellite, or satellites.
8. load your channels(also found in howto's or by reading threads)  load channels proceedure varies according to receiver
9. Watch tv
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发表于 2004-11-7 09:59 | 只看该作者


我们是BELL EXPRESS WU的用户,可选用6个Program Packages, like sports package, education package...We pay $39.98 plus tax. If we want 加拿大新时代媒体公司的两 套节目--新时代和城市电视., we have to pay extra cost.

Post by 星光灿烂
[size=+0]首先,有线系统集成的华语频道有限,一般只有加拿大新时代媒体公司的两 套节目--新时代和城市电视.




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 楼主| 发表于 2004-11-25 21:51 | 只看该作者




1卫星:G13(127°W) (其上中文PACKAGE 属于台北国际,经查询被告知11月底,最迟到12月5日后全部锁码)


2卫星: Telestar 5 (97°W) http://www.globecastwtv.com/

(1)东森北美卫视 (频率:11991 符码率: 22.000兆符/秒 极性:垂直(Vertical) 前向纠错码率: 3/4(普通话):服务电话1-604-585-9807/8 http://www.ettvamerica.com/ettv/01_aboutettv00.html 免付費專線 1-866-388-8872 直接洽詢【直播衛星事業部】 訂購
费用 (http://www.ettvamerica.com/ettv/b_orderDTH.html)
东森新闻,东森卫视,东森戏剧,东森幼幼 US$30/月
三立国际http://www.settv.net/service/nation/intro.html US$10/月
JET日本娱乐台(日语,中文字幕) http://www.jettv.com.tw/ US$10/月
非凡財經 US$10/月
(2)免费频道: 宏观(台湾政府对外宣传频道,相当于CCTV),天下,佛光,人间 大爱,华藏,新唐人

****互動台: ****美东台(粤语),****美西台(粤语),****综艺台(普通话),电影台和大陆中央台 月费36,99

3 G3C/Ku(95°W)


4 Bell的ExpressVu(卫星:91°W/82°W)

城市电视(普通话为主的多语言电视台)综合中国中央台四套、香港TVB及台湾TVBS及三台之最新新闻, 每周播放130小时普通话节目, 十数小时之越南语及韩语

以香港TVB制作的节目为骨干, 提供百分之三十广播时间播放本土制作节目(每日约二小时左右, 以新闻信息为主)

5 Starchoice :新时代

6 DirectTV :2003年4月9日,默多克通过其控股的新闻集团斥资66亿美元控股通用汽车旗下的子公司“休斯电子公司”的DirecTV卫星广播集团,“DirectTV”的市场份额(1100万订户)还要大于“EchoStar”,865个频道6颗卫星DirecTV 1R/2/4S at 101.0°W//DirecTV 6 at 109.8°W//DirecTV 5 at 119.0°W美国大的销售商:http://www.rapidsatellite.com/Default.aspx

(1)中文三台套装 US$24.99/月
凤凰卫视PHNIX(2频道) http://www.phoenixtv.com.cn/home/phoenixtv/zhengwent.html

(2)东森北美卫视六台套装 http://www.ettvamerica.com/ettv/01_aboutettv00.html US$21.99/月 US$241.89/年
JET日本娱乐台(日语,中文字幕) http://www.jettv.com.tw/

(3)JADEWORD http://www.directv.com/DTVAPP/packages/jadeworld.dsp
Jadeworld airs 24 hours a day on channels 450-454, and it's available to DIRECTV customers as a base package for only $36.99 per month. Here's the channel lineup 877-893-8888 http://www.jworldtv.com/home_ccs.htm
(4)****互動5台套装:美东 美西 综艺台 电影台 CCTV9

7 Dishnetwork :“EchoStar公司 http://free-dish-network-tv.com/
EchoStar 1/2 at 148.0°W
EchoStar 3 at 61.5°W
EchoStar 4 at 157.0°W
EchoStar 6/8 at 110.0°W
EchoStar 7 at 119.0°W

EchoStar 9 at 121.0°W(国际星:其上转发了各种语种的卫星电视信号,是61.5°W 的镜像.线极化,其上有:
CCTV Movie
CCTV Opera戏曲
CCTV Entertainment娱乐


Beijing TV 北京
Shan'xi 山西黄河
TVS 2 东方电视(上海)
Fujian South East TV 福建东南
Jiangsu TV 湖南卫视
guangdong 广东

凤凰卫视2套 http://www.phoenixtv.com.cn/home/phoenixtv/zhengwent.html

东森戏剧,东森新闻,东森幼幼 东森卫视,
JET日本娱乐台(日语,中文字幕) http://www.jettv.com.tw/

(3)****: US$24.99/月
****互動台: ****美东台(粤语),****美西台(粤语),****综艺台(普通话)亚洲电视ATV(2频道 粤语) 1-877-248-7469
(4)台北国际: 台视.中视.华视.
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