你说的对, 如果你的税报错了, CRA是罚你不是罚帮你报税的人.
但是T4错了可不是你的责任了. 大家都是拿着T4报税, CRA手里的T4 应该跟你手里的是一样的, 如果T4上都没有这个数字, 就算CRA来audit你的税又怎么能查得到呢? 如果CRA查出来T4有问题, 会请公司更正的, 我的公司就被联系过.
一般来说, 能不能报学费取决于你手里有没有T2202. 有的话肯定是没问题的. 那个雇主给你的400也应该在你的T4收入里, 理论上应该在最下面加一栏box40, 至于公司的会计有没有加进T4, 如果要保险起见只好自己算算了.
Post by John_molson2003;2961061
If she (assume Louzhu is a female) is my client, this is the first concern I will raise to her.
1. From my previous analysis, it is clear that how much she can deduct as tuition fee will depend on whether the $400 should be included in her income or not.
2. When my client raises her question to me, I cannot make an assumption that her employer's accountant is competive enough to know under which condition the $400 should be included in T4. In the past, I spoted similiar mistakes in some of my client's T4.
3. If her employer's accountant made a mistake and failed to include $400 in the T4 when it should be included, and her file was audited by CRA after 3 years, the CRA will give her penalty and interest no matter the mistake was made by my client herself or her employer's accountant. When she come to me and ask for a recourse, as our company's name was associated with her T1. Do you think I can just run away and throw all the responsibility to her employer's accountant? Will she forgive me and not sue me in the court if the amount is huge? As accountants, we will assume the most responsibility when we put our signature on our client's file.
4. Accountants are professional people who should be more knowledgable than normal people in taxation and offer a high quality service to their clients. If we just obtain all the tax slips from clients and enter them into computer like robots, then why should our client pay hundreds of dollar for a T1 instead of buying a tax software for $29.99 and enter all tax slips by themself. They got from what they paid. ;) |