支持楼主, 虽然没很认真看, 太长了。 我是被车撞了在家休息, 我是很着急回去上班。 昨天看了医生, 又忘了要病假条。 就告诉老板我争取本周四回去上班, 最迟下周一。 看看我老板给我的回信:
Please do not worry about missing work, make sure you get better that is the important thing.
Stay home and rest and we will see you Monday, please let me know if you need anything
我的manager给我的:Let us know what happens. No rush to come back, whenever you are feeling better.
Post by ZARA;3049356
支持楼主, 虽然没很认真看, 太长了。 我是被车撞了在家休息, 我是很着急回去上班。 昨天看了医生, 又忘了要病假条。 就告诉老板我争取本周四回去上班, 最迟下周一。 看看我老板给我的回信:
Please do not worry about missing work, make sure you get better that is the important thing.
Stay home and rest and we will see you Monday, please let me know if you need anything
我的manager给我的:Let us know what happens. No rush to come back, whenever you are feeling better.