楼主: 江苏同乡会
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[各地同乡会、校友会] 江苏同乡会(MTL)

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发表于 2003-9-28 03:58 | 只看该作者
sounds good
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发表于 2003-10-4 16:16 | 只看该作者
Hi, Jiangsu fellows:

            The weather for Sunday in the National Park: Cloudy with sunny breaks, 30% chance of rain, Low at morning 3°C.

This is a reminder for people who attend this Sunday trip.  

1 We recommend that you bring backpack with following items: lunch, water-repellent rain coat and warm sweater, hiking boots, water bottle, insect repellent and first aid kit.

2 People who like join Pot-lucky, can bring your favourite dishes and beverage. Association will prepare paper tissues, paper cups, paper dishes and forks.

3 Be Roddick Gates at 6:50 this Sunday. Later or missing are no refund.

Yi Qin
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发表于 2003-10-7 11:07 | 只看该作者
Have you all made the trip on the 5th October?  It was very cold.  
Or you've changed to this Sunday?
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发表于 2003-10-9 08:57 | 只看该作者
We made the trip on October 5.
It is a great trip, we made hiking, boating, sightseeing the maple leaves, knowing friends and enjoying the givens from the great nature.
Some of the photos taken from the site will be published on the http://www.itacc.org/jiangsu soon after we collect more photos.
Sorry you missed this trip.
Don't miss next time.
If you'd like to get the instand information, you may put your name in the email list of Jiangsu Association at http://www.itacc.org/jiangsu
Have fun.
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发表于 2003-10-11 15:38 | 只看该作者
How can I join the association, I come from Jiangsu. Please tell me. Thanks!!
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发表于 2003-10-11 22:12 | 只看该作者
Some of the photos took from the Trip to La Mauricie National Park have been uploaded to internet, you can have a look and enjoy the nice shoots of teh great nature. The photos come from some friends of Jiangsu Association.

Hi Insight,
you can join Jiangsu Association at http://www.itacc.org/jiangsu

Jiangsu Association of Canada
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发表于 2003-11-1 23:49 | 只看该作者
让我们一起 为我们的祖国欢庆, 为我们的祖国高歌


Details at: http://www.itacc.org/jiangsu
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发表于 2003-11-9 08:55 | 只看该作者
Hi all,
A deligation fron Shao Xing Shi leading by the top guy of the city is coming to Montreal on Nov 12, 2003.
There will be a information and welcome dinner party in the DONG PO LOU in Chinatown at starting from 6:30pm.
If you'd like to join, please phone 995-6238(cell) MR ZHANG or 842-5689 ext MR ZHANG(o) before Tuesday.
浙江绍兴市市委书记为团长的召商引资代表团, 于2003年11月12日来蒙特利尔。
如你有兴趣参加,请电话:995-6238 MR ZHANG 或842-5689转MR ZHANG。
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发表于 2003-11-14 09:32 | 只看该作者
2003年11月3日, 来自蒙特利尔20多位和渥太华的30多位华人华侨代表参加了在渥太华中国驻加拿大大使馆举行的华人华侨欢迎中国国务院侨办陈玉杰主任座谈会. 加拿大华人信息技术协会主席, 江苏同乡会会长赵振家先生应邀出席这次座谈会.  

梅平大使首先邀请陈玉杰主任讲话. 陈主任说, 这是她任职侨办10个月以来的第一次出访. 出来的目的就是, 听取各位侨领对侨务工作的意见和建议; 对各位侨领各位侨胞多年来对侨务工作的支持表示感谢. 座谈会上, 代表们争先恐后地要求发言, 向国务院侨办的官员们反映华人华侨的心声. 因时间有限, 陈玉杰主任一行听取了25位代表的发言. 议题涉及: 双重国籍, 侨务政策的有效落实, 高科技发展交流基金, 文艺团体来加演出, 两岸和平统一, 蒙特利尔文化宫, 华文教材华文媒体, CCTV收费等众多方面. 陈玉杰主任对大家的提议, 一一做了解答, 有些议题有待回国后进一步研究落实, 有些提议, 梅平大使做了回答和说明.

赵振家先生就高科技发展基金问题向陈玉杰主任一行反映这里的情况, 并提出相应的建议. 陈玉杰主任详细询问了有关情况. 在总结发言时, 陈玉杰主任又对此做了解答, 并建议和同来的国务院侨办经济科技司吴司长作进一步洽谈.

details at: http://www.itacc.org/jiangsu
or http://www.itacc.org/chinaday
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