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发表于 2012-6-8 20:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式



Client Name: Lin Jun Rest in Peace Foundation

Transit: 05981

Account: 1004696

Financial Institution #003


2157 Guy
Montreal, QuebecCanadaH3H 2L9  


Email: [EMAIL="LinJunFoundation@gmail.com"]LinJunFoundation@gmail.com[/EMAIL]


 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-9 12:41 | 只看该作者




蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学(Concordia University)8日宣布,为纪念林俊,设立林俊奖学金;与此同时该校又为林俊家人建立基金,以帮助他们解决在加拿大处理后事时的费用。



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-9 17:17 | 只看该作者
同意,“对捐款要进行有效的监督, 不能象08年那次了‘。

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St-Michel地铁站 该用户已被删除
发表于 2012-6-10 11:45 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-11 12:59 | 只看该作者

Moins de 24 heures après la création d’une bourse en mémoire de Jun Lin, l’université Concordia avait déjà reçu plus de 300 dons.
Les membres de l’Association des étudiants chinois de Concordia – université que fréquentait Jun Lin – sont à l’origine de la fondation.
Il est impossible pour le moment de savoir le montant lié à ces dons, ni même d’obtenir une mise à jour de la quantité de dons effectués depuis. L’université est dépassée par la situation.
« Je n’ai jamais vu une réaction comme celle-là. On nous appelle de partout : des États-Unis, de Hong Kong. On est tellement touchés », s’exclame Christine Mota, porte-parole de l’université.
Une partie des sommes seront remises aux parents de Jun Lin pour couvrir les frais de leur séjour à Montréal. L’autre partie servira à octroyer des bourses d’études à des étudiants chinois qui fréquenteront l’université.
Ce sont les parents de Jun Lin qui ont insisté pour qu’une partie des fonds soient transformés en bourses d’études.
« C’était vraiment important pour eux que quelque chose de positif sorte de cette tragédie », explique Mme Mota, qui les a rencontrés la semaine dernière à ce propos.

La Presse Canadienne
L'Université Concordia a annoncé vendredi la création de la bourse Jun-Lin, en hommage à l'étudiant chinois tué et démembré par le présumé meurtrier Luka Rocco Magnotta.
La direction de l'université se dit touchée par la réaction collective de compassion à l'égard de Lin Jun et de sa famille.
Après avoir rencontré l'Association des étudiants chinois de Concordia et à la demande de la famille Lin, une bourse dont les détails n'ont pas encore été précisés a été mise sur pied. Elle sera créée à partir de dons provenant du public.
La bourse Jun-Lin soutiendra un ou plusieurs étudiants chinois qui souhaiteront poursuivre leur parcours universitaire à Concordia.

De plus, l'université a institué un Fonds pour la famille de Lin Jun afin d'apporter à cette dernière une aide financière pour couvrir ses besoins immédiats à Montréal.
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-11 13:31 | 只看该作者
Post by Kiki Wong;3103186
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发表于 2012-6-12 06:17 | 只看该作者





另外,我们呼吁把凶手及早引渡回加拿大,让正义与公正早日得以伸张,安抚给我们家庭 、华人社区和全社会带来的创伤。同时,让我们在悼念林俊时,请记得他的善良、勤奋和对生命的热爱。谢谢!

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-12 14:20 | 只看该作者
林俊父母的感谢信在CTV网站上有, 没有一处提到《7天》与她们的蒙华基金会,而是感谢中国领事馆与Concordia大学设立林俊基金。大家有钱要捐给Concordia大学设立林俊基金, 千万不能捐给《7天》,以防被人利用。

The following is a letter that the family of Jun Lin provided to CTV News on June 11, 2012. In the letter, Lin's family talks about their son's life, and his unimaginable death.

English translation provided by Ottawa field producer Philip Ling.

Since the news of Jun Lin's tragic death was made public, faced with this hard-to-imagine death blow, we were physically and psychologically at a breaking point.

Fortunately, we have received strong support, including from all levels of the Chinese and Canadian governments, relevant embassies and consulates, Montreal Police Service, and Concordia University. It allowed us to complete the necessary procedures in the shortest time, and we successfully arrived in Montreal on the evening of June 5. The entire itinerary was arranged with careful consideration for us and for that, we express our deepest gratitude.

Within a few days after we arrived -- under the leadership and organization of the Chinese Consulate in Montreal, the Montreal Police Service, Concordia University and the City of Montreal -- government officials met with us and expressed their sympathies. We learned that there were both Chinese and Canadian officials that worked tirelessly day and night on this case.

The Concordia Chinese Student Association and Jun Lin’s good friends also provided us with a lot of help.

At the same time, we received strong and enthusiastic support, including from the Chinese community -- many people that we don’t even know lent a helping hand for his funeral and after-death arrangements, with such great kindness and care, we are deeply touched.

Jun Lin grew up believing in Buddhism; He attached importance to the idiom that "one hour today is worth two tomorrow", and to always do good for others. He is a child that was extremely kind-hearted and respectful/obedient to his parents . His consideration for his parents, his care for his sister is still echoing in our ears.

The head of Concordia University Computer Engineering department told us that Jun Lin was a very exceptional student.

His boss said he was a model employee.

His friends say he was very optimistic, enterprising, liked to make friends, help others, and always looked on the bright side.

Jun Lin is the pride of our entire family.

This horrific tragedy has had a destructive blow to our family. But it inspired a powerful outpouring of sympathy and charity in people, bringing together all the good people in society through which we saw real sincerity and goodness, allowing us to be deeply moved and gratified in our time of deep sorrow.

It’s particularly worth mentioning that to commemorate Lin Jun, Concordia University has established the Lin Jun scholarship to help Chinese students exemplifying Lin Jun’s spirit of helpfulness and enterprise/proactiveness -- our entire family, relatives and friends are gratified/pleased.

Concordia University has also established a special fund -- bringing together the Chinese Students Association and other interested parties -- to provide assistance to our family.

Immediately after the scholarship and special fund was established, they received generous contributions from many good-willed people in the community. For this, we are grateful.

In addition, we're calling for the extradition of the murderer back to Canada as soon as possible, bringing justice and fairness to heal the wounds brought about to our family, the Chinese community and society as a whole.

At the same time as we are mourning Jun Lin, please remember his kindness, hard work and passion for life. Thank you!

Read more: http://www.ctv.ca/CTVNews/TopSto ... 0611/#ixzz1xbkQIOzr
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-6-14 13:41 | 只看该作者
Post by 小米面;3102279
这周《7天》头版文章又在胡写,诋毁我们Concordia 大学计算机科学系的老教授 Ching Y. Suen 老先生,胡说孙先生“文献被应用1000多次,是被引用频率最高的科学家之一”。被SCI应用1000多次,一点都不算多,如果是这样的话,他500多篇文章,11部著作,平均引用才2-3次。为什么会这样呢,关键是7天记者知识匮乏,不懂还胡写。孙先生的SCI应用至少在10000多次,《7天》如此诋毁教授为哪般?
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使用道具 举报

发表于 2012-6-14 14:38 | 只看该作者


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