============= 题外追加 ,我知道挑战法律是找死的 =============
整个事件下来,也许我的确对STOP SIGN的理解有不同,也许所谓的【停】,就是【停稳】,就应该是踩刹车到0的速度,然后再启动。而停牌的意义,不能只是理解为【为了停下来观察确认安全之后再通过】,而应该是【不论任何情况下,即使肯定没有任何车辆,即使绝对安全,也必须[color="red"]先停下来】,然后再启动。
(第368条)【The driver of a road vehicle or any person riding a bicycle must [color="red"]complete stop his vehicle when facing a stop sign [color="red"]even confirmed that is totally safety, and comply with section 360.
At a level crossing, the driver may proceed only after ascertaining that it is safe to proceed.】
(第360条)【Unless otherwise directed by a sign or signal, when facing a flashing red light, the driver of a road vehicle or any person riding a bicycle must [color="red"]complete stop his vehicle, [color="red"]and then yield the right of way to a vehicle approaching on another roadway that is entering the intersection, or is so close that it constitutes a hazard.】
上路也要懂法规。作为司机必须要懂,不需要别人提醒。好吧。我去官网找的法规,单看字面的理解和大街上的观察学习,随便一个路口过停牌的人,不停稳的人超过90%。【因为你已经批准我上路了,没有给我画个绿圈,里面写着”必须参加法规培训“】结果,我理解错了,事实上大家都错了,停,不是只是为了安全,而且是不论安不安全,你都的停,而且是停稳,停到 0 km/h 然后再启动。
当初你开心的告诉我,翻译了外国驾照,现在可以上路了,我开心的驾着车上路,然后你在背后更加开心的等着罚款收钱。 God knows that the fucking stop and complete stop is different. |