Post by hong774
但是我被大家所感动,大家应该团结去斗争,如果你受的了这家工厂的气,可能将来要受更多工厂的气,因为TMD 的外国人可能会因为你们的妥协而得意洋洋,而后就会给所有中国人下结论:可以随便侮辱中国人,甚至到处宣扬.(这不是一两天见效的,但是也不会花很多时间).
I am very proud of you, my fellow sisters and brothers, and I highly support your stuggles in the factory. I believe that if we Chinese people get together and help each other, nobody dare to look down at us. Remember the westerns always help their people as well, that is one of the reasons that they treat other races. At this point, I think all the peoples are the same. We Chinese should help ourselves first.
I am thinking if we could get some evidents, or tapes, or records, maybe we can sue that "Fucky Vince" through the court and win.
I will always be on your side and help my fellow sisters and brothers. Our Chinese people is the best.