Post by kathywang;3185853
I did followings for a friend who moved to Ontario. Can't remember details, just remember very simple:
- login to your freephoneline account, ~~~
- change address ~~~ then ~~~
- somewhere it will ask if u want a new #(=area code), if yes, u select new #.
- (my friend could have keep his 514-FPL# for us to call him local)
Not sure if FPL ring the new #(landline/mobile) to confirm. All free, change instantaneous. U are not limited to # in your own area code:
e.g. most of your friends are in Toronto, u can get a 416 FPL#, then forward FPL# to your home 514#. All your friends in Toronto can call u "416-local".
Just checked FPL login, didn't find change # option. Just delete your account, recreate a new one to select new# then. In case u own more than 1 real #, just create a new account with different phone#. Each FPL account need a real phone#(land/mobile/friend#) and a different email address. Have fun! |