这个20%,其实。。。是对于Windows XP的一个比较普遍的误解。
一般情况下,网络带宽的100%都是对所有应用程序可用的。而QoS提供给系统的接口(API)可以允许应用程序为自己申请一定的保留带宽(缺省情况下最多可以申请的就是这个20%)。即使系统里有再多其他进程来抢带宽,系统会保证分配给这个应用程序它所 保留的带宽。同时,如果这个应用程序申请了一定的保留带宽,而实际上却没有占用那么多,系统还是会把未用的那部分保留带宽分配给其他程序。
Clarification about QoS in End Computers That Are Running Windows XP
As in Windows 2000, programs can leverage QoS through the QoS application
programming interfaces (APIs) in Windows XP. One hundred percent of the network
bandwidth is available to be shared by all programs unless a program
specifically requests priority bandwidth. This "reserved" bandwidth is still
available to other programs unless the requesting program is sending data. By
default, programs can reserve up to an aggregate bandwidth of 20 percent of the
underlying link speed on each interface on an end computer. If the program that
reserved the bandwidth is not sending enough data to utilize it completely, the
unused portion of the reserved bandwidth is available for other data flows on
the same host.
For more information about the QoS packet scheduler, refer to Windows XP Help.
Additional information about Windows 2000 QoS is available in the Windows 2000
technical library.
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