Your can look for:
1) social worker/consellor for you to talk to (confidential) and/or
2) legal advisor that can help you with the case.
Both services are provided free of charge from various agencies. Off hand, I only have information for the 2 followings:
Centre d'education et de developement interculturel
a Chinese social agency in China Town
15 Viger Avenue West, 3rd floor, Montreal, QC
(Metro Place d'armes)
(514) 522-8188 /866-7133
Mon-Friday 10:00 - 17:00
Saturday 13:00- 17:00
Centre des Femmes de Montreal
(In case u prefer discussion in Chinese, believe they will find a translator for u)
(Believe they provide emergency housing, possibly some financial assistance)
(514) 842-0814 (for immigration women)
(514) 842-4781 (General cetral number)
3585 St. Urbain (there are many branches depending on your location)