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当罐头盒撞上易拉罐(Accord vs civic)

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发表于 2015-10-31 16:10 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
注意黑车是从PARKINGLOT出来被蓝车拦腰撞断. 因为是LOCAL, 估计蓝车速度不会太快,应底于80KM.

都是HONDA, 一死一重伤..


A horrific accident between a 2012 Honda Accord Coupe and a 2003 Honda Civic Coupe that occurred in Salem, New Hampshire, on Tuesday, resulted in the death of one of the drivers.

The wreck happened on Route 28 with the Civic cut in half and its driver ejected out of the car. He later succumbed to his injuries at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. The driver of the Accord was treated for non-life threatening injuries in Lawrence.

The police report, which we think mistakes the 2012 Accord for a Civic Coupe, mentions:

"At approximately 6:13 PM Michael Gomez, age 26 of Lowell, MA, was operating his 2012 Honda Civic southbound on Route 28 in the area of Salem Ford. As Gomez was traveling south he collided with a 2003 Honda Civic being driven by Phillip Carter, age 33 of Salem, NH. Carter was attempting to pull out of the Salem Ford parking lot and travel north bound on Route 28 when he was struck by Gomez. The impact sheered Carter’s vehicle in half and he was ejected from the vehicle."

While officers are still investigating the accident and are awaiting the results of toxicology, the police said that at this time, "speed is considered a contributing factor to the crash".

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