作者: quanbo 时间: 2020-2-15 21:08
老老实实完成自学2年,再去参加一个面试培训,都比指望培训班半年速成靠谱。作者: quanbo 时间: 2020-2-18 21:51
要是培训机构在短时间内同时教你多个软件,那根本是不可能学好的。每一项技能都够你学半年了。作者: quanbo 时间: 2020-2-29 09:17
最近知道了downtown一个西人的培训机构教师的工资达不到200刀一小时。由于教师上课和下课花的时间差不多,所以相当于实际不到100刀一小时。但是做项目却可以轻易达到100刀一小时。作者: quanbo 时间: 2020-3-5 15:47
如果是IT,0基础,学完3-6个月以后是绝对不可能马上就工作的(除非是天才,可是天才也不用上培训班啊,自学就行了)。没有哪个企业傻到会招一个还要在岗学习半年甚至更长时间的大叔、大妈吧。作者: quanbo 时间: 2020-3-21 17:31
如果在家,正是自我学习的好机会。作者: quanbo 时间: 2020-4-4 12:59
大家保重身体,少出门,多学习。作者: quanbo 时间: 2020-4-23 08:55
Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Information Technology, Automated Manufacturing, or a related field
Master’s degree or CAP certification, an asset
A minimum of 5 years experience managing similar functions in a large automated facility
A minimum of 2 years experience with industrial robotics
Thorough understanding of a breadth of distribution center processes
Demonstrated experience using analytics to improve operations with tangible results and within tight timelines
Prior experience working with retail operations systems including order management systems, warehouse management systems, distributed order management, middleware integration, an asset
Prior experience in data mining, manipulating large datasets, querying databases, data analysis and reporting, an asset
Advanced knowledge of Excel, Autocad, automation frameworks, and test suites
Excellent in programming languages for automated testing, data management and statistical computing such as Access, C++, SQL, Hadoop, R, or Python
Fluent in data management and visualization software such as SAS or Tableau作者: quanbo 时间: 2020-5-7 20:36