Post by wuli120
告诉你一个好地方,在Decarie路4242号的川乡川粤菜馆就非常好吃,而且交通方便,坐地铁到Village Marmia站下车过马路对面即可,菜馆里有二位亲切可人的小胖妞,一位叫小潘潘,一位叫Angela,您们不懂点菜吗?没关系,美丽的小胖妞会帮助您,包您们吃得舒服又满意.但周未要先打电话订座,否则要等,如不想出门也可订外卖,有专人送上门,电话是(514)488-0096.二位小胖妞会说多种语言,其中Angela能说纯正的粤语,国语,法语,英语,西班牙语和意大利语也很溜,还略通客家话和台山话,说的人不暈,听的人也会晕,简直是川乡菜馆的同声翻译机.是川乡菜馆的一大风景.
Chez Thai
1232 Stanley
This one is south of St, Catherine street,
not far from downtown YMCA.
The small front door leads to a simple but tastefully decorated basement diningroom.
It serves both Chinese and Thai cuisines.
A waitress hands out English menu at the front door.
Chinese menus are provided upon requests at the table.
After trying most of the other better Chinese restaurants downtown,
I decided to give this one a try recently.
When I walked in one lunchtime,
the place was 1/3 filled.
One thing I noticed was that it was not noisy,
which suits me just fine as I usually enjoy dining in a tranquil surrounding with maybe gentle music in the background.
Sometimes the loud conversations in some other restaurants give me headaches, even though the food maybe good.
This place is a welcome change to me.
I and my companions ordered a stir-fried lobster,
jumbo shrimps in 3 kinds of mushrooms
and a tofu dish.
The lobster dish was good.
The shrimp dish and tofu dish were a bit light on salt
but still well received by us
My companions don't like dishes heavy in salt and oil,
so they had no complaint.
The prices are average, in line with other restaurants.