:rolleyes: 请教:今天收到compliance section的来信,主要意思就是让我提供2005年federal tuition and education amounts的支持文件。我想是由于我是网上报税的,slip都保留在我的手上,不象纸张报税的那样把所有的slips与税表一并提供给税局。也可能是算抽查吧。
A written comfirmatioin stating whether or not an employer, a union or an other organization reimbursed you or another person the cost of your tuition. We also need confirmation that the reimbursed amount was included in that person's income.
我读的是training,并且是享受魁省居民的待遇,也就是免学费的。所以,eligibel tuition fees paid这项的$3,560其实不是我本人掏的,而是魁省政府。这点读过training的朋友们都知道的,呵呵。因为这并不属于an employer, a union or an other organization reimbursed, or another person. 不知道在回信中是否必须提及,如果必须说的话怎么解释呢?
Take note that Releve 8 slip can only be used to claim the amount for post-secondary studies on your provincial income tax return and not on your federal income tax return. You sould submit this slip with your Quebec income tax return.
是不是只是说明他们是联邦的,不需要魁省的Releve 8, 并不是也要我同时提交相应的东西给魁省呢?
还请高手或是有类似经历的朋友们指点迷津啊。非常感谢。 |