漫步熟熟悉校园,沐浴青春朝霞, 书为伴学为主,那是青春的年华, 聆听外语录音,你细读人生讲义, 手拉手肩并肩,红色世界任我画。 昔日喜怒哀乐,如今不惑之年, 淳朴无暇的年代,弹指一挥间, 感谢微信,我们又可朝夕相处, 即使天涯海角,你我犹如昨天。 In the dormitory, classroom, cafeteria, we were studying Days and nights, I was focused to my learning Recorder, codex, exercise, verbal practice, we love Frenching Incredible juvenile up down: Joy, worry, fun and joking; I keep a sweet souvenirs like imaginination We were young, fun, dynamic and open to everything Awesome moment for such wonderful times being Some pictures of our happy memories for teasing ! Aux dortoir,classe, cantine, terrain...le français nous séduit Aux méandres dédale de l'École, j'assimile jours et nuits Magnétophone, codex, exercice, on aime religieusement Paris Joie, peine, rigolade, taquinerie, plaisanterie... moment inouï! Or la chère camaraderie me tient toujours au coeur Dynamique, ouverture, imagination, amitié et bonheur Merci de m'avoir accompagné ces moments fabuleux Voilà des photos qui attisent nos souvenirs heureux!