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发表于 2018-2-5 18:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
各位:本人一向品行端正,也受过良好教育,在Concordia读过计算机研究生。上周六2月3日早上启程汽车站乘坐BUS到纽约,准备从肯尼迪机场到中国,参加春节后老父的80大寿。一个小时左右到达Champlain 美国海关,因购买的机票为中文,没有打印,我就把手机上的确认订单给检查人员看,估计他也没有看懂。所以,他要求检查我的行李。不管他们怎样翻弄也没有任何违禁物品。而十多年来往返美国均良好。而今天那女的海关查人员翻看并大声读出所携带的起诉文件(去年因被别人诬陷而我起诉了蒙城警局和加国海关人员,但还没有开庭审理)。。。。。。。携带自己的法律文件并未触犯美国法律或什么威胁啊。没有任何解释,他们竟然提取我的指纹、拍照,然后遣返回加拿大海关这一边。如果带了两孩子(本来想带孩子的,但可虑上学),多难看悲惨啊。如今行程、机票耽误了,而且可能上黑名单啊。。。 现在怎样保护自己的权益?如何要求他们解释、赔偿? 如何消除他们录入的个人信息等。请各位协助为盼!详细内容请参阅投诉信。
Subject: Complaints of Customs and Border Agents for violence of my human rights andprivacy and injury of my hands

Dear Sir/ Madame;I’mwriting to you to complain Customs and Border agents for violence of my humanrights and violence of privacy and injury in my hands and abuse of handcuffs,on Feb. 3, 2018 today.

I am awell-educated man and Canadian citizen with good background and I live inMontreal. With Excellent background and no records in crossing US border over thepast 10 years,  Early this morning I’m going toNew York by bus for Flights connection from JFK International Airport to Chinato celebrate my fathers birthday of 80th and my returntrip on March 9, 2018. Around at 09:55am, our bus arrived at US Border,Champlain port of entry. I always respected and answered all his questions whenan agent (male, short, with glasses) questioning and checking. Also, I show himmy Air ticket on my iPhone. The agent ordered and inspected my baggage. Ifollowed him to our bus of Trailways. Firstly, he opened my backpack on thedesk of outside, no any prohibited items in my backpack. Then he ordered me tocarry another suitcase to their room. Three agents came to inspect all mybaggage and my pockets again and again. The female agent opens all my lawdocuments, letters, private documents and she read loudly that everyone canhear what she read in the room. A male agent came to take my fingers and took myphotos.

During the long timewaiting in the room, I requested to toilet, they opened a cell room for me.Otherwise, they refuse to give another one for use.

About one hour later,three agents forced me to a room to take all my ten fingers and photos again.

When I asked them whytaking my fingers and photos, they didn’t give an answer, however, one of amale agent shouted at me in the room.

Actually, there is noprohibited item in my baggage and suitcase. But, they didn’t let me go oraboard the bus outside.

Around 2 hours later,three agents forced me to enter a small room again to search my bodythoroughly.

Most serious, aftersearching my body, the agents locked both my hands with their handcuffs. Thenthe female and male agent with glasses forced me to their prisoner van, theyrefused to give my coat for wearing on their van in cold temperatures. My handswere injured by the male agent and his handcuffs (View the photos that taken atBorder Agency for details). They drove and delivered me back to Canada BorderServices Agency without any explanations. As a result, I missed my flights fromJFK Airport to China.

You may review andcheck your videos from 9:55am to 12:00pm February 3, 2018 for more details.

Please note that Ireserve my rights to accuse your CBP and agents for abuse of handcuffs andmisconduct before the court.

Now, for my humanrights, Should you please let me know following:

1) Why did the CBPagents refuse a visitor with good history of 10 years and without carrying anyprohibited items entry USA?

2) Do the CBP agentshave the rights to read the law documents and private documents?

3) Why did your CBPagents abuse their handcuffs to an innocent victim without any records?

4) How to compensateme for missed my flights?

5) Why did your agentstake my fingers and photos again and again, even if I did not carry anyprohibited item?

6) How to delete myname and fingerprint and photos from your database?

7) What treatment istaken to your agents for their abusive conduct?

8) How to compensateme for your agent abuse handcuffs and cell room to me?

Looking forward toyour early reply

Best regards

An innocentvictim

 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-5 22:55 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2018-2-5 23:02 | 只看该作者
楼主这英文诉状写得。。。 你还是请个律师吧 。收入低可以申请法律援助。
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 楼主| 发表于 2018-2-5 23:37 | 只看该作者

RE: 冤屈至极,竟然被美国海关遣返,敬请各位协助!

merkava 发表于 2018-2-5 23:02
楼 ...

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发表于 2018-2-6 08:17 | 只看该作者
wingchun 发表于 2018-2-5 23:37
起诉文件说到 ...

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发表于 2018-3-2 23:54 | 只看该作者
1. 同情这个遭遇。
2. 从纽约起飞回国,尽量从蒙始飞去JFK转机。蒙机场过美国海关会比较少意外。
3. 回国探亲,又陆路过美国海关,一定要避免容易引起误解的纸质与电子资料。
4. 你可以通过 https://help.cbp.gov/app/forms/complaint 向美国投诉。但你的这封投诉初稿有一些不合适的内容,需要修改。
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