you are right. that is why some friends like the black background.
But another voice is that we are already too sorry for this disaster, now it is time for us to be up and strong.
so it is better to have both of them available, and we can choose what we like.
OH, becuase everybody already made donations, is it good that we distribute this DVD free of charge? THEN it means we need some friends who can make the DVD copy and color printing to help others who would like to keep a copy of this event.
PLEASE email to play888@hotmail.com with contact information. THANKS. we have already made some copies of the DVD, you can take to copy and get the high solution cover file for printing.
The organizing committee, the recorder and the DVD producer won't keep the copy right for this DVD.
Post by 2009wahaha
黑的有沉重和庄严感, 白的轻快些, 我喜欢黑的! 因为这不是轻快而是庄重的事情:wink: |