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STM 月票 2010

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发表于 2010-1-3 14:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Besides the usual price increases, following new programs:

1.  Annual OPUS (Adult) - no discount, charge Credit Card/Bank @15th.  Begin 1/1/2010, check STM.

2.  Reduced Fare - [color="Red"]NEW "4-months Pass" available at $148.

3.  AIR MILES Program - redeem 610 miles for Adult Pass, or 330 miles for reduced-$ Pass. Check AIRMILE.
 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-3 14:33 | 只看该作者

STM Transportation Cocktail

DUO Auto + Bus
By agreeing to purchase 12 consecutive STM monthly fares, you will have access to Communauto’s vehicles for only $5 per month, without having to pay the usual $500 subscription fee. Complete an application form on the Communauto website.

By agreeing to purchase 12 consecutive STM monthly fares, you will enjoy a 50% reduction on the annual subscription to the Bixi self-serve bicycle rental service. Complete an application form on the Bixi website.

Members of the Duo auto +bus programme can add the Bixi self-serve bicycle rental service to their subscription. Their Communauto account will then be credited $34.55, equal to 50% (before taxes) of the annual subscription cost to Bixi. Complete an application form on the Communauto website.

Members of Communauto can get a $10 credit on the annual subscription to Bixi.  Not sure if it's credit on Communauto account or deduction when u pay Bixi.  Check Bixi / Communauto.

Tandem Vélo-STM **
The members of Vélo Québec Association can obtain an OPUS card charged with five monthly transit fares, valid from November 15 to April 15. As a bonus, your OPUS card will be charged with six free trips. Complete an application for on the Vélo-Québec website.

** There is membership charge for Vélo-Québec.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-3 15:05 | 只看该作者

Free Bus Tickets - 全部住 Point Claire 65岁或以上的老年人

All elderly in Point-Claire can get 10 STM single-trip tickets* per month.  If u don`t use the ticket, your Opus card cannot be reloaded when there`s 40 or more tickets inside your card.

Bring your Opus Card and Notice of Assessment(=address, regarless of your income level) to your City Hall:

451 Boulevard St-Jean, Point-Claire H9R 3J3
(514) 630-1200

* believe u can have 5 AMT tickets instead of 10 STM tickets per month, check with your City Hall.

* For low income+over 65, the City offers help in light housework/yard maintenance/snow shoveling(paths only)
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-3 15:24 | 只看该作者

D.D.O. ? ? ?

Is there similar program for D.D.O.? 知道的同学,麻烦分享信息!
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-31 14:44 | 只看该作者

OPUS a l'année

这个计划 不省钱。成人第一次申请, 送一个新的空白Opus成人卡。半价票不需要送。

Besides signing up at www.stm.info, you can get additional information on OPUS a l'année from:
7875, Aut. Transcanadienne,

Monday - Friday 8:30-17:00
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-2-2 15:21 | 只看该作者

Reduced Fare(小孩/学生/老人) 4-months Pass @ $148

Reduced Fare 4-months Pass can be bought:
- ~Ticket booths(=~有人卖票) at all Metro stations, and
- ~Auto MACHINE that sell pass/tickets.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-6 13:55 | 只看该作者

新BIXI-Bus(STM) 特价

关于 "AMT月票 年省8.33% - Domicile/Allégo " @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=704749
1.  订购STM 年票, BIXI 年费特价19 元。(5月31日开始)
2.  买BIXI一年会员($78),免费获得OPUS卡+6票。(6月30日开始)
(我俩对$19 的BIXI 感兴趣,如有人订购STM 年票,不介意送我们折扣代码(discount codes),请PM)

1. With OPUS for a year, you can cycle for less - Offered from May 31
By subscribing to the STM’s OPUS plan for a year (12 consecutive months), your annual subscription to BIXI will only cost $19 instead of $78, including taxes. Once your annual subscription form for OPUS is filled out, send an email to ventescorporatives@stm.info indicating your name and mailing address. When your first instalment on your OPUS for a year subscription is cleared (on the 15th of each month), your discount code for your BIXI subscription will be emailed to you. Then, simply go to bixi.com to enter your code and take advantage of your $59 discount.

2. An annual subscription to BIXI lets you ride the bus and métro
Starting June 30, 2010, when you subscribe to BIXI’s Public Bike System for a year, get an OPUS card charged with six single trips valid on the STM’s transit network*.
*Quantities limited. Offer valid while supplies last.

3. Bixi-Bus Summer Special
When charging an STM monthly fare on your OPUS card for July and/or August, get a 50% discount on a monthly subscription to BIXI. [color="Red"]Pay only $14 instead of $28, including taxes. Start taking advantage of this offer June 20, 2010. (Promotion limit to 3000 persons/month)

To get your discount, show your proof of purchase for your monthly transit fare at one of the STM’s six customer service centres and receive a gift voucher applicable to a monthly subscription (30 days) to BIXI’s Public Bike System.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-10 14:07 | 只看该作者

新BIXI-Bus(STM) 特价

1.  订购STM 年票, BIXI 年费特价19 元。(5月31日开始)
2.  买BIXI一年会员($78),免费获得OPUS卡+6票。(6月30日开始)
3.  50% off BIXI membership, when u buy monthly pass for July and/or August.

1. With OPUS for a year, you can cycle for less - Offered from May 31
By subscribing to the STM’s OPUS plan for a year (12 consecutive months), your annual subscription to BIXI will only cost $19 instead of $78, including taxes. Once your annual subscription form for OPUS is filled out, send an email to ventescorporatives@stm.info indicating your name and mailing address. When your first instalment on your OPUS for a year subscription is cleared (on the 15th of each month), your discount code for your BIXI subscription will be emailed to you. Then, simply go to bixi.com to enter your code and take advantage of your $59 discount.

2. An annual subscription to BIXI lets you ride the bus and métro
Starting June 30, 2010, when you subscribe to BIXI’s Public Bike System for a year, get an OPUS card charged with six single trips valid on the STM’s transit network*.
*Quantities limited. Offer valid while supplies last.

3. Bixi-Bus Summer Special
When charging an STM monthly fare on your OPUS card for July and/or August, get a 50% discount on a monthly subscription to BIXI. [color="Red"]Pay only $14 instead of $28, including taxes. Start taking advantage of this offer June 20, 2010. (Promotion limit to 3000 persons/month)

To get your discount, show your proof of purchase for your monthly transit fare at one of the STM’s six customer service centres and receive a gift voucher applicable to a monthly subscription (30 days) to BIXI’s Public Bike System.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-10 14:09 | 只看该作者

Charge $ on 15th, cancel before the 10th, may charge $25

Called the company:
1.  Monthly fee charge to Credit Card or Bank Account on the 15th of each month.

2. Subscription to the "OPUS a l'année" [color="Red"]can be canceled anytime without penalty.  Only need to call on :confused: or before the 10th of the month.

3. They will send u a prepaid envelop to return the OPUS card, that u're supposed to send back with 10 days.  If they don't receive the OPUS card, they will charge u $25.
Post by montrealpost;2483348
这个计划 不省钱。成人第一次申请, 送一个新的空白Opus成人卡。半价票不需要送。

Besides signing up at www.stm.info, you can get additional information on OPUS a l'année from:
7875, Aut. Transcanadienne,

Monday - Friday 8:30-17:00
关于 "AMT月票 年省8.33% - Domicile/Allégo" @ http://sinoquebec.com/bbs/showthread.php?t=704749
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-6-30 14:00 | 只看该作者


直至2010年7月31日,一张新的OPUS空卡只需3.5刀,每张新的OPUS卡有效期只有4年。Berri-UQAM STM的客户服务说 8月1日开始,新的OPUS空卡需要6刀,不知道卖到什么时候。

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