你卖房的5万元差价, 算作capital gain, only 50% is taxable, 50,000x50%=25,000 taxable capical gain.就是说25,000元需要上税。
但不知道你买房子后, 每年有没有claim CCA( capital cost allowance)? , 如果有, 还有recapture, recapture is business income, and it is 100% taxable. 因为你的CCA是抵税的, 但是你现在卖房子赚钱了, 那部分抵税的钱有得重新交税。
you are right, T2 is corporation tax return. when building is sitting as asset on b/l, we use T2 for tax return
i add
4. if rent out rooms of your primary home or simply rental property, 50% capital gain of your rental portion is taxable, and recapture of rental portion is fully taxable. use T1 for tax return