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魁省10月擬推出考駕照新規定 以降低年輕司機交通意外死亡率

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发表于 2009-9-15 21:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

最近,申請實習駕照的人數猛增,而不少人也趕在學費上漲之前報讀駕駛課程。在Snowdon和Dollard des Ormeaux設立分校的Morty駕校老闆皮士拿(Morty Preisler)稱,自上個月新規定公佈以來,報讀駕駛課程的人數上升30%至40%。
Kirkland的Wendy駕校老闆克拉多克(Wendy Craddock)也表示最近生意額大增,「人們知道學費將漲一倍,都趕著來報名學習。」現在該校12小時的駕駛培訓和6小時的理論培訓共計450加元。
Villa Maria中學11年級的學生Chelsea在16歲生日後的今年1月份考取了實習駕照,「幸好我及早拿了實習駕照,我有5、6個朋友也正在趕著報考實習駕照。」 自她拿到實習駕照後,她就一邊學理論一邊上路練車,不過最近她經常在晚飯後在父親的陪同下開車練習,「我的教練說如果我能保持現有的水平開車,應該是沒有什麼問題的。我想可以一個人單獨開車。」

目前,魁省的新學員無須在考車前上駕駛課程,但是很多人還是報讀駕校。在政府指定的駕校完成12個小時的上路駕駛培訓後,學員可以在8個月後考取駕照,無須等候一年。自10月25日新的規定實施後,考車時間將不能縮短。所有人都必須等候滿一年後才能報名考車。魁省車管局發言人查珀特(Audrey Chaput)稱:「一切將都變得不一樣。」她表示魁省政府官員仍在研究具體措施,包括今年秋天在全省開設駕駛教練培訓課程。

而道路安全及駕駛行為專家也贊成強制學員上駕駛理論課程。滿地可道路安全顧問及安全駕駛手冊作者托雷羅(Charles Torreiro)指出,多年前,魁省政府曾要求駕駛員在考取駕照之前完成30小時的駕駛理論培訓,但是在1998年,由於發現強制駕駛理論課程對於降低年輕司機交通事故死亡率的作用不大,而取消強制駕駛理論課程。

发表于 2009-9-15 22:43 | 只看该作者

After verification of ***'s file, the road test is scheduled for October 30th. If ***  completed her driving courses with a driving school, she can pass her practical  exam after 8 months. A person holding a class 5 learner's licence before the  effective date of implementation of the new measures maintains his or her right  to pass the practical test after 8 months if a driving course was completed or  twelve months if it was not.

For further information, we  suggest that you contact our client information centre.

大意是如果在Oct. 25(effective date) 前拿到了学员驾照,以后的路考按老规定执行,即上驾校需等8个月,不上的话需等一年。可能Oct.25以后,SAAQ将不再安排理论考试,由驾校来培训和完成,SAAQ只管路考。

所以要拿驾照的得赶紧在Oct. 25前通过理论考试。现在在Montreal排不进了,可以考虑到其他城市去考。


3dvrd.com 三维驾校,专业诚信负责 || 分校: Côte Vertu 5146788989 市中心 5145626881
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 楼主| 发表于 2009-9-19 22:21 | 只看该作者
Hard road ahead for young motorists

Stricter rules; Driver's ed course to be required for licence

By CHERYL CORNACCHIA, The GazetteSeptember 8, 2009

MONTREAL – Chelsea Parasuco looked at her rear-view mirror, then double-checked over her shoulder before she shifted into reverse during a driving lesson last week.
With only about three weeks to go before she takes a test for her Quebec driver's licence, the 16-year-old Beaconsfield girl is set to avoid a major new speed bump for young motorists, and she wants to keep it that way.
Starting next month, all new Quebec drivers will face tougher licence requirements aimed at improving road safety. These will include 15 hours of mandatory driving instruction and 24 hours of driving theory.
As of Oct. 25, anyone with a learner's permit will be obliged to take theory and on-road instruction at an accredited driving school.
There's a rush now for learner's permits, as well as a rise in demand for driving lessons before prices go up.
Morty Preisler, owner of Morty's Driving School, which operates in Snowdon and Dollard des Ormeaux, said he has had a 30- to 40-per-cent increase in customers since the new regulations were announced last month.
Wendy Craddock, owner of Wendy's Driving School in Kirkland, also has seen a jump in business.
"eople know prices are going to double," said Craddock, who now offers 12 hours of in-car instruction and six hours of theory for about $450.
"I'm glad I didn't wait," Chelsea said as she hopped out of a Toyota Corolla after a lesson last week at Wendy's.
"I know five or six friends who are cramming (to get a learner's permit) now."
Chelsea, a Grade 11 student at Villa Maria High School, got her learner's permit in January, only days after her 16th birthday.
Since then, she has been studying the rules of the road, taking driving lessons and, most recently, practising behind the wheel with her father after supper.
"My instructor says I should do just fine if I keep driving the way I'm driving," she said.
"I want to be independent."
The new driver's licence requirements are the latest provincial government initiative aimed at reducing traffic death rates among drivers age 16 to 24.
At present, new drivers in Quebec aren't required to take any driving instruction before getting a driver's licence, although many do.
But completing 12 hours of road instruction with an accredited driving school enables a new driver to obtain a licence after only eight months, instead of a full year.
The fast-track option will also disappear after the new regulations take effect Oct. 25, however. Everyone will have to wait at least one year before getting a driver's licence.
"Everything is going to change," said Audrey Chaput, a spokesperson for the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec, the provincial vehicle insurance board.
Quebec government officials are still working on the details, including training for driving instructors across the province this fall, she said.
But what is certain is that the new driving theory classes are designed to ensure novice drivers better understand the risks of speeding, driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and road rage, Chaput said.
"The idea is that, before you learn how to drive on the road, you have to learn how to behave on the road."
Not surprisingly, driving schools are welcoming the changes to Quebec's driving licence system.
Experts in road safety and driving behaviour also look favourably upon mandatory driving theory classes.
For years, Quebec drivers were required to complete 30 hours of driving theory before getting a licence. Mandatory driving theory courses were discontinued in 1998 when it became clear they were having little impact on traffic fatality rates among young drivers, said Charles Torreiro, a Montreal road safety consultant and author of safe driving texts.
New teaching methods may prove more successful at changing risky road behaviour, especially among 16- to 24-year-old drivers, Torreiro said.
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发表于 2009-9-22 11:27 | 只看该作者
Driving schools ask for delay in mandatory courses

By David Johnston, The GazetteSeptember 11, 2009[url=javascript:jumpToAnchor('#Comments')]Comments (5)[/url]


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  There could be a delay in the implementation of new rules  for young drivers. Without the delay, starting October 25, new Quebec drivers  like Chelsea Parasuco (with instructor Wendy Craddock) will have to take 24  hours of theory and 15 hours of road instruction before getting a drivers  licence.

Photograph by: Marie-France Coallier, The  Gazette

  MONTREAL – Saying they need more time to prepare their own staff, Quebec’s  driving schools have asked the Quebec transport minister to delay the  implementation of proposed new mandatory driving-school enrolment for new  drivers.
Under the current rules, people seeking a driver’s licence in Quebec are not  obliged to attend driving school. The government had proposed making schooling  mandatory as of Oct. 25, with an obligatory 15 hours of road training and 24  hours of classroom instruction.
But driving schools say they aren’t prepared for the change to take place  late next month, and they have asked Transport Minister Julie Boulet for a  two-month extension.
They want to see a Jan. 1 start date.
An official with the Société de l’assurance automobile du Québec confirmed  Friday morning that the schools have been in contact with the minister’s  office.
“And the ministry has asked us to look at the feasibility of an extension,”  said SAAQ official Gino Desrosiers. “No decision has been made yet.”
Mandatory classroom instruction was abolished in Quebec in 1998 after being  introduced in 1983. The change was made because that 15-year-period did not show  any meaningful drop in traffic-fatality rates among young drivers.
But now the government’s thinking is that the old theory courses didn’t  concentrate enough on the negative consequences of risky behaviour like speeding  and drunk driving.
More details later.
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发表于 2009-9-24 18:44 | 只看该作者

先由驾校给你上10个小时的理论课,然后驾校给你开一个证明,你拿着证明到SAAQ,他们给你一个Learner's permit, 然后,你再到驾校上14个小时的理论课,并练车16个小时,等一年后参加路考。至于具体的规定,据老板讲,他们也还没有确定下来,但有些东西已经开始了,比如对持照教练的再培训,三天的课程。以前,拿教练资格证时,就已经上过60小时的培训课,不知道这次具体讲什么,也不知道还有什么需要补充培训的,看来是会有很大的改变, 也对教练提出很高的要求。
3dvrd.com 三维驾校,专业诚信负责 || 分校: Côte Vertu 5146788989 市中心 5145626881
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发表于 2009-9-26 15:11 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-9-26 15:36 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-9-29 11:42 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-9-29 22:44 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2009-10-6 22:14 | 只看该作者
Post by 3DVRD;2377894

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