FM ---
I like FM's idea. We might as well have a board of directors consisting of presidents and some very active organizers. No chairperson, but there is a secretary in general elected each year tackling routine organizational stuff. The president will be handling our weekly event and report publication. If the tenure is on monthly basis, each president or facilitator can assume his/her duty upto three consecutive months, like on quarterly basis, in order to maintain certain stability.
If there is no further different idea about the above proposal revision, volunteers are welcome as the presidents and directors.
FM Chen - three months, presidents and directors ?
TigerR - one month or two months, p/d ?
DownTown ?
LaoXi - One month only ?
Y123 - ?
Madame Ye ?
Xiang ?
Liu Tao ?
Yang - Hu ?
Zhang Zilong ?
Eric Hu ?
He - Chu ?
and many others ?
By the way, can we have two advisors to our association ? Mr. Qu and Mr. Zhu Patrick. We don't have a name yet for our association, what about "Chinese Contract Bridge League of Montreal" ?
Caishan ---
I guess u don't have to make photocopy of "Modern Convention Biddings", because looks like Liu Tao has published an internet link for it. |