to DYNO,Benneton.At Pupil
To Dyno : Ever heard to "Not to fuck in someone else business" before ?
Ferme ta guele ? hahahah...no...you Ferme ta geule!!!! French Fries !!
DYNO, I Gonna slap in your fucking face if I see you on the street. !!! And slap you
one after another until you cry and Benneton...i'll put a stick in your ass !!
Post by DYNO
It's 'shut da fuck up', not 'shut the fuck off', u idiot, and it's bastard, B-A-S-T-A-R-D! got it? u moron...lol, bartard, what da hell is that, anyway?
u can't even spell the word right, who u think u r supposed to be, huh? Asian-pride?Stop lying, u ain't no wigga, and u ain't in da VIET NAM gang, either, u wuss!
u r nobody, u r just some lousy teen punk out of nowhere, just shut DA SHITTING ASS up! u heard da man!!!
FERME TA GUEULE, and quit fucking around here, fils d'putain! |