Best Gynecologist (OBGYN)s in Montreal, QC 1 Dr. Luis Monton - Montreal 2 Dr. Robert Koby - Montreal 3 Dr. Alice Benjamin - Montreal 4 Dr. William Buckett - Montreal 5 Dr. Marie-France Lachapelle - Montreal 6 Dr. Barbara Bodmer - Montreal 7 Dr. Jean-François Lanctôt - Laval 8 Dr. Martine Bernard - Montreal 9 Dr. Elsa Quiros - Montreal 10 Dr. Samir Khalifé - Montreal
I lived in ville-st laurent, I went to plein ciel medical, and they set up appointment with me for the next examination. I am wonderring does it mean I will give a birth in that clinic?
Post by blackshade2002;2940332
I lived in ville-st laurent, I went to plein ciel medical, and they set up appointment with me for the next examination. I am wonderring does it mean I will give a birth in that clinic?
排名前三的产科是:St. Mary's Hospital (老外同事说是本市妇产科第一), Jewish General Hospital(高危产妇都会从St. Mary's转到这家来,犹太人医生不要太多太好哦), Royal Victoria Hospital(McGill医院系统里妇产科的主力).
听说过不靠谱的产科医院有:Lakeshore General Hospital(另一个老外同事去年在这家生了他的第一个宝宝,告诉我在本市找哪家医院都可以,但千万别找这家), Verdun Hospital(有朋友怀孕初期有流血不稳的现象,在这家看急症,医生上来就做阴超,宝宝就没了), LaSalle Hospital(另一个朋友在这家生孩子,比较难生,拖了很长时间,2个接生的医生关于继续顺产还是赶紧改破腹产上意见不合就当着产妇和家属吵起来了,最后拖久了,宝宝有些窒息,有了先天性心脏病,还很小就没了。).