不过,坏事也可以变成好事。通过这场急风暴雨式的斗争,本流浪汉的思想觉悟得到了极大的提高。实际上这场风波迟早是要来的,这是网络大气候和俺自己的小气候决定了的,是避免不了得。早来比晚来强。古人说的好“能人不下岗,好人不上网”,俺前几日耽于泡网,使得讨饭大业受到了严重影响,又加上这两天天降大雪,于是导致了目前饥寒交迫凄惨局面。痛定思痛,俺决定即刻晒网。全副身心地投入到乞讨事业中去。也恳请各位大人不记小人过,捐弃前嫌,save your change please,it's for food, not for drink.
how can angel compare herself with menghan? menghan's chinese language skill is at least 100 times better than angel. english? i don't even think angel can speak or understand that language.
menghan, you call angle and her gangs "xiao zi", what a overstatement. to be a "xiao zi", you should have:
-- teast
-- knowledge
-- money
those things only can exist in angle and her friends' dream. at most, they are just some laughing stock. never take them too seriously.
i am formally lodging a complaint against you. you should appologize to all man in montreal for your statement about wang8.
wang8 can NOT, will NOT and should NOT be classified as a "man" by any standard and by any stretch of imagination!!! the ONLY slightest connection between wang8 and a real man is perhaps the part on its body called "head", which resembles the top part of male genital. but again, this resemblance limits only to the extand that it is used in chinese language. some people may argue otherwise, i tend to give full credit to that, as they are in essence all filled with foamy material, which could only be stimulated when there is sex linked input.
your classification of wang8 as a man is a humiliation to all man in montreal, including your husband, who you love so much. i believe you should be brave enough to acknowledge your blunder and look forward to your kind reply.... ...