楼主: apricot
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发表于 2001-8-27 08:04 | 只看该作者
To Janej

Yes, take good care of your skin, it's an important part of your body health.

It's okay for you to use "Neutrogena" and "Biore". Neutrogena is not as bad as I have described, if you don't good bad, you may continue. "Biore" is a Japanese brand known as "碧柔“, it's not bad, I have tried its mask.

To tell you the truth, after you using the most expensive skin care products, it's the same feeling as you at the last --- "No feeling". So just to make sure keeping your routine skin care everyday and continue.....

I'd love to give you more information.

Thank you.
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发表于 2001-8-27 08:06 | 只看该作者
To Alan

Clinique and Biotherm have very complete product line of skin care for men.

Please check at the website or the counter.
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发表于 2001-8-27 14:08 | 只看该作者
I like this hot spot.

Hi Hua, I have a few questions about mask.
1. Is the mask divided into two types? One for cleaning, and the other for feeding the skin?

If so,
2. Do we need both of them? Or one is enough?
3.My T-area is with oil, and the area around eyes is dry. And I'm neary 30. So what type of mask is good to me? could you suggest a brand?

Thank you so much!
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-8-27 14:50 | 只看该作者
Loreal 的future_E SPF 15  and Revitalift eye
不知future_E SPF 15的滋润效果如何.  

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发表于 2001-8-27 15:46 | 只看该作者
Hi Flying111


今天我专门为你跑了一趟THE BAY,我看到资生堂有不带磨沙的洁面膏呀!是THE SKINCARE 系列的Gental cleansing foam, 好象是34快钱,膏体特别特别细腻,我只能用非常非常好来形容。因为THE SKINCARE是SHISEIDO最新的一个系列,我看挺适合你的。



深层清洁的产品倩碧和ESTEE LAUDER都不错,请酌情使用。

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发表于 2001-8-27 17:00 | 只看该作者
Hi QuebecHua

Actually the masks are classified into several types for different purposes. Cleansing, moisturizing, refining, nutritional feeding, emergency saving and so on.

It is your skin that determines what kind of mask you need. Since you have a combination skin, your target is to balance the whole face and tone the epidermis. I think cleansing make is good for you, before and after the mask therapy, you’d better put some toner or softener on your face. Make sure the mask is not the peel-off type and be careful not to let the mask touch your eye area.

Estee Lauder has a mask of  “So clean Deep pore mask”. It’s good to me. I will not let you try something that I’m not familiar with and I never used before. So you gonna trust me, the mask of Borghese mud is terrific, but you can not find it here. I’ve ever tried Clinique Deep cleansing Emergency mask before, it’s for very oily skin, it’s not for you, I think.
Maybe you can find a Clay-based mask at Biotherm, try it if you like. I don’t know whether it works well, I never tried before.

In the winter, if you feel your skin is very very dry, you may consider to use moisturizing mask, and of course, nutritional feeding mask is used in case of wrinkles appear.

Good Luck!
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发表于 2001-8-27 19:52 | 只看该作者
Elizabeth Arden 怎么样?我登陆以后皮肤不如以前,毛孔大且黑头不断。我现在用Elizabeth Arden,但很想听听你的意见(我30岁〕,请帮忙出出主义。多谢!
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发表于 2001-8-27 21:28 | 只看该作者
To hua

Which one do you think is the most important stuff among all skin care product and cosmetic? I have the same problem with apricot that I can not afford whole line cosmetic from ESTEE LAUDER or Biotherm.

Thank you   
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发表于 2001-8-27 21:31 | 只看该作者

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发表于 2001-8-27 22:24 | 只看该作者
To Flying111 and Share


To Isabel

To tropical
到底用什么样的日霜呢?ESTEE LAUDER 的 DAY WEAR,有SPF15防晒,有抗氧化剂放污染,并且保湿。我以前用过两瓶了,感觉一般,不知道姐妹们使用感如何?
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