"APR" stands for annual percentage rate. The APR is a much better indicator than just the interest rate of the actual cost of a mortgage loan, as it estimates what you'll pay over the course of an entire year. The Federal Truth in Lending law requires mortgage companies to list the APR of their loans when they advertise an interest rate. This prevents them from advertising unduly low interest rates and tacking on fees and other costs that drive up the real cost of the loan.
AND more at http://www.allbusiness.com/personal-finance/real-estate-mortgage-loans/3382-1.html<!-- Start Google AdSense module - custom - Article (googleadtag: 4354014) -->
Post by aurora!
不会啊。 西岛坐火车直接到市中心。
另外大家这几年买房都选什么银行贷款呢? 现在选择可谓是五花八门, national bank还推出了一个个性化房贷, 就是放一个百分比在不同的贷款种类上, 像开放/不开放, 浮动/不浮动, 什么的。在各个银行网上溜了一下,老是看到利率后面跟了一个APR, 谁能解释一下吗? :wink: