Yes, I bought 期房. I signed a contract with my bank BMO in May last year when I decide to buy. the rate was 5.56, they guarantee to this year May. now I am also doubt about taking the fixed rate or available rate.... lots of ppl said rate is going down, but to me, I feel it's going up. can you explain that"不过有一点不懂的是去年利息比今年高不是吗? 那怎么去年的固定利率比今年低了近2个百分点?"? because my bank manager told us we are very luck, the rate was jumped up to 6.5 just one month after we sign the contract. and now is 7.0 at BMO
Why so many ppl said rate going down???
Post by aurora!
请问你买的是期房吗? 银行真的同意给你把利息guarantee到一年以后签合同的时候? 我问了好几家银行, 都说只能guarantee 3-6月, 不能更长。 你选的是close fixed rate是吧?我也想固定来着, 不过银行说只能固定贷款计划, 利率的百分比不能固定, 只能跟着底息走。 不过有一点不懂的是去年利息比今年高不是吗? 那怎么去年的固定利率比今年低了近2个百分点? |