I don't think that you got the appointment because he knew the urgence. Probably there was a cancellation and you were just lucky.
I was already a patient of his. I needed to see him badly. But the *cool* secretary just told me that there was no slot available until next week.
Post by thanksgive
To be fair, 莫医生并不是那么态度差. 我当时因为threatened abortion, 急需看产科医生, 而我那时还没有自己的产科医生, 一般他们接受新病人都需要好几周的时间, 只有莫医生那里给了我一个第二天的appointment, 所以I can't complain him too much.
后来偶又去他那里复诊过一次. 至于他的态度, 虽然说不上那么好, 也算一般吧, 他是有点皮笑肉不笑的样子, 是不是因为华人态度不如老外生动与人性(就象chinatown餐馆里的那些waitors, 老是看上去有点冷冰冰)?
再后来我约到了自己的产科医生, 就不去Dr. Mok那里了, 他毕竟每次要收$10.00(当时是, 现在涨价了?), 令我不太习惯; 还有一点是他检查用的手套居然是塑料的不是橡胶的(dollar店里$1能买50个一次性的塑料手套或者10个橡胶一次性手套), 感觉非常不舒服, 我心里暗暗觉得是不是华人医生比较cheap? |