楼主: cdr
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发表于 2001-10-23 10:38 | 只看该作者
Hello,everybody in the fishing group. I came to Montreal 20 days ago. I found the fishing group is very interesting. I don't know if it is possible to access now. I haven't fishing rod anf fishing certificate now. Could you tell me where to buy fishing rode and where to apply certificate? Furthermore could you tell me how to select a set of fishing tool(cheap and useful).I expect to do sth for the fishing group.
(Please contact to using E-mail or other ways)   :confused:
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发表于 2001-10-23 11:03 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2001-10-23 11:41 | 只看该作者
cdr = 大鱼~~~~~~~ 不管怎么说紧跟cdr,一定有鱼吃~~~俺决定赖也要赖到有鱼吃...俺现在就算吃不到...存着啊~~ :p   :p

MLTXhahaha 你应该学俺嘛...脸皮厚一点就有得吃了!!
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发表于 2001-10-23 11:55 | 只看该作者
CDR: I went alone yesterday and didn't get any fish. sign. Could your guys find out a place where they sell live minows? To the guy who want to start fishing: Go Canadian Tire to buy a rode with wheel around $50, line 10lb-20lb($8),some hooks and lead($5). Here you go and you can fish now. I think it is not worth to buy a lisence for this year cuz the fishing season is almost over. Just my 0.02
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-10-23 12:04 | 只看该作者
Hi Catfish, where are Dore? We like them very much......haha

Hi MTLXhaha, I think it is not right time to purchase fishing stuff right now. Next March, we will re-equip our stuff. You can follow us. Just pay attention to here and follow the Group.

YaoYao, you are so funny. Our frigs are fulled. Don't worry about fishes until next March.
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-10-23 12:18 | 只看该作者
blackcoffe, just corn for carp....... minow for pike and dore ,bass...... worm for catfish........heihei
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发表于 2001-10-23 12:34 | 只看该作者
Thanks, cdr. but what is minow, I can not find it from my dictionary.
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 楼主| 发表于 2001-10-23 14:21 | 只看该作者
baby fish
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发表于 2001-10-23 14:31 | 只看该作者
"Minnow" is often used to describe all small fresh water fish. It is the common name for a family of fish. The small ones are often used as live bait.  

It includes the most common fresh water fish in China which are Carp( Including LiYu--common carp, JiYu--crucian carp, CaoYu--grass carp), Dace and Golden fish, etc. Carp is an exotic fish in North America.
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发表于 2001-10-23 15:19 | 只看该作者
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