奇怪, 没人规定你没提的我也不能提啊, 这里不是在讨论RESP啦投资嘛, 我只是说一句怎么投资都是有费用的, 除非是自己去股市里操作, 那就是纯粹的自负盈亏, 只要交易费或一个self-direct account就可以了.
你可能就付了$10给broker, 但是关于broker具体收多少commission你是不知道的, 就象去银行买, 都不用多交什么费用, 但是那些advisor还是有提成的. 至于你买的income fund, 虽然跟mutual fund有所不同, 我认为里面还是隐藏其他费用的, 因为一个trust本身是需要有人操作的, 当然不是给broker. 就象一个group计划里100块的enrolment fee, 公司拿大部分, 代理只能拿一部分. 雷锋是大公无私的主, 你就别老跟他过不去了.
What is an income trust?
An income trust is an investment that is designed to distribute cash to investors. It shares the features of a number of other types of investments.
How does an income trust work?
Income trusts trade like stocks on the stock exchange. Your costs may include:
• Sales fees. These are the commissions you pay to buy and sell units of an income trust.
• Management fees. These fees are similar to the Management Expense Ratio (MER) of a mutual fund. They add an extra layer of cost to your investment.
What choices do I have when I invest in income trusts?
Many Canadians have invested in income trusts in recent years. There were just 70 income trusts and similar products listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) in 2000. By 2006, that number had more than tripled.
There are many different kinds of income trusts. The type of trust depends on the type of businesses it invests in.
Four common types of income trusts
1. Royalty/energy income trusts
Royalty trusts have been around for years. They mostly invest in oil or gas properties, or some other natural resource. Sometimes resource prices go up and the company makes more money, so the trust may pay its investors a lot of income. The trust’s unit price may go up as well, so investors can make money if they sell their units. If the price of oil or gas drops, however, distributions may be reduced and units can drop in value.
Also, oil and gas wells will run out in time. Unless the trust invests in new properties, it will have to wind down and investors may be left with units having little or no remaining value.
2. Real estate investment trusts (REITs)
3. Utility trusts
4. Business investment trusts
Another option: Income trust funds
Some mutual funds invest in income trusts. Some people call them income funds, but the correct name is income trust funds.
Your costs may be higher because you pay for the fund manager's skill in choosing the income trusts and managing the fund. The fund also passes on the costs of buying the underlying income trusts. The main benefit is that you diversify because you are investing in many income trusts instead of just one.
Important news: On October 31, 2006, the Department of Finance announced changes to the tax rules for income trusts that are now law. Income trusts are now taxed the same as Canadian corporations. The goal: to remove the tax advantages that trusts had over corporations in the past.
The changes will apply to new income trusts that start up after October 31, 2006. For income trusts formed before that date, the changes will apply in the 2011 tax year. The one big exception: certain Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).
Remember: Income trusts have certain drawbacks
The tax rule changes may reduce the amount of income that investors get. Also, many investors don’t know that a trust can stop paying distributions at any time. So if you’re going to buy an income trust, do your homework. You may also want to consult a professional adviser to help you choose the right investment.
Post by fatlayschips
真是越弄越糊涂了,您google半天搬出来的,还是个[size=+1]Mutual Fund的说明啊。不是叫这个名就是这个种啊,鲸鱼它可不是鱼啊。
再说了,这个Investors Income Trust Fund的管理费也不是broker收啊,broker只管commision,不然不成了乱收费乱摊派了呢,您干吗不问青红皂白先把它给毙了呀?
您到底想用雷锋比喻什么呢?替那些因为钱多而闹心的,帮忙烧钱的主? |