i might be negative about the present and future of china, but one thing for sure i am positive about is: most people, including many chinese, do not buy your below "preachings", which are same version of communist propagandas. i was expecting some in depth anaylises and personal insightful replies from you, post 80 elite, but obviously that is not happening.
you went on and on, just for the fun of lecturing everybody, but did not realize many flaws in your argurments; and lacking of basic understanding of the western system. i don't think the age factor play any role regarding the difference between you and many old folks who visit this forum
在网上看美国的报纸,几乎天天都是看国外批判中国的文章,难受愤怒的心情,与各位一样。但是,随着我进一步的融入,与本地人的交谈,亲见他们年轻人的遭遇以及心境,尤其是在经济危机下大家对美洲既往制度的批判,让我的世界观有了新进展. medias in the west serve as watchdog, not the "touge and throat" of one party. if you have to be reminded of this fundermetal principle, that is too sad for you to continue to choose journalism as your carreer.
nobody says the western society is perfect, but it seems you are trying to approve here that chinese system is better.
因为我认识很多年轻人,虽然不谈政治,但是他们也没有政治偏见,社会气氛慢慢会松开的。just get rich, but never touch politcs. if this is the new voice you want to bring to this forum, if this point of veiw repsents the post 80, i am dispporinted. deng xiaoping had said so 30 years ago, and it is enforced by the present evil communists in china. this philosopy simply does not work. it is false sense of hope that created by gcd. yes, china is getting better, but farmers remain same as 80s, or even worst; don't you think every single chinese deserves more? as we chinese too, not just americans, are endowered by our creator with certain unalienable rights, that among those life, liberty and the pursit of happiness?.
your argurement confirmed my worries.Post by yelenia;2183793
这位朋友,我在国内是做记者的,在一个省台,当时年幼无知,对看到的社会现状非常不满,说我愤而出国不算过份。但人到了国外,看了很多,想了很多。刚来的前半年,在图书馆找书读,在网上看美国的报纸,几乎天天都是看国外批判中国的文章,难受愤怒的心情,与各位一样。但是,随着我进一步的融入,与本地人的交谈,亲见他们年轻人的遭遇以及心境,尤其是在经济危机下大家对美洲既往制度的批判,让我的世界观有了新进展。pbs的节目我也经常看,不知你有没有看过bill moyer journal,里面对美国现状的探讨很深刻。若真的了解了他们的思想与忧虑,就会发现中美知识份子没有大的差别,美国的问题多得很,某种程度上,还更为无望。不仅仅是中国才有问题。
我看了很多六四的书。想说的是:制造tankman的是一代年轻人;现在在中国活的是另一代年轻人。知不知道tankman,我觉得真的没啥要紧,tankman也不过是20年前的事,年轻人只要头脑明白,可以制造明天的历史。他们中有很多人也许有tankman的胸怀,不要对现状悲观。我在国内出差时,坐过许多次火车,喜欢跟人攀谈,常常为身边貌不惊人,民工模样的年轻人们懂得的道理而惊讶。—— 他们没有受过高等教育,但生活教给他们的道理,让他们一点也不糊涂。不要小看这一代年轻人。江山代有才人出,internet带来的信息共享,使我们中的一些,很早就不再是别人灌输的思想的奴隶。(而从回帖看,很多虽然身在国外,倚老卖老的人却仍然是,摆脱不了文革后的思维定式)
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