Post by mjpzxy;2281595 " @6 o0 N! Y+ b4 b$ R 前几天在SAFARI PARC 玩,就见一个老外妈妈在路旁长凳上给2岁女孩换DAPER, 附近就是洗手间,旁边人来人往,没见什么人大惊小怪,这种类似现象见过几次,不知曾么中国妈妈这样做就奇怪了!" t4 f3 R/ U2 U: W) V
更有甚者,认为中国女人穿旗袍是不入大流,这都是什么事啊! 真真是有些人不糟践自己人就睡不着觉!
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嘿嘿,好多阿拉伯女人都穿长袍戴面巾的,也没有人说她们什么。其实很多本地女孩很喜欢旗袍,因为她们觉得这个很罗曼蒂克。唐人街那里卖的那种我们都看不上眼的廉价旗袍她们穿的不亦乐乎。我也超喜欢旗袍,自己在国内就有过各种面料款式的不下十件。来这里以后肥了都穿不下啦。很多姑娘时兴在身上纹中国字,起中国名字。她们觉得中国字是艺术,她们觉得中国的小孩子特别可爱。有人认为不可以穿民族服饰应该是指的工作场合吧。可能被人误解了,最后就被宣传成了在任何场合都不能穿,不能标新立异与众不同。. Y0 S4 T' p& n% [" |) y
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关于本贴讨论的问题,正反双方都挺有道理的。不过过度放大一些个案上升到一个族裔的高度是有点过了。* q1 K: P: o3 Q& i, r% h
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总结: 这是一个措辞激烈的枪战帖,辩论赛。作为看客,看得很刺激。
It is a very good topic. As a Chinese, we have our way to do things. It is seemed normal that you pick the vege you buy since you paied for them. In China, who does not pick their food when they go shopping. it is all depend on the situation. Here there is not a lot of people to pick the vege upsidedown to find the best of all. Here, in general ( I am not talking about indevidual case) , the culture setting is different. We are not talking about which one is better or worse. Just we are here. It is for our own good not to offand others and respect their settings ( or rules). This way every body is happy. After all we are the new comers. Do not just focus on the little sport. We are here and we want to be accepted ( no offense). Too bad I can not type Chinese. Hopefully it will make sense.
Find out what is better way of doing things and do it. This sound easy. You have to evaluate the thing you are doing. Then it is the value you have determinds how you do them.