传Google退出中国内幕 竟是希拉里一顿晚饭引发?
2010-01-14 04:01 中华网论坛
事情是这样的,2010年1月7号,国务卿希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)在国务院请吃饭。这是一场小规模的晚宴,规模虽小,来客却都是通讯科技界的重量级人物。客人名单上有谷歌首席执行官埃里克施密特(Eric Schmidt)、Twitter联合创始人杰克多尔西(Jack Dorsey)、微软首席研究与战略官克瑞格蒙迪(Craig Mundie),以及Mobile Accord CEO ***** Eberhard, Cisco CMO Susan Bostron, NYU Professor Clay Shirky, Personal Democracy founder Andrew Rasiej等。
1. Finding ways to incent global citizens to build applications that can advance these goals
2. Finding creative ways to ensure that Internet access is always freely available
3. Building better public-private partnerships and making it easier for start-ups that have great ideas to be able to present them more effectively to the U.S. government
4. Ensuring we can better communicate leveraging language translation tools
5. Discovering ways to train people -- especially those who are new to the online world -- how to use all these tools effectively
6. Leveraging the mobile channel for anonymous crime reporting for greater transparency
据说1月21日国务卿希拉里将公布一项科技新政策。大家拭目以待吧。 |