Post by mon123;2727329 如果我们是为了签合同而抵制帝国,那正中帝国的下怀。他签你不是给你将成本,而是要压缩你的利润,他如果一起签,就不如现在这样,挑动群众斗群众,将矛盾转化,大店不满意利润率,可比下有余,中小店不满意,一抗争, 他马上就会顺水推舟,推出第二步计划,签部分中店,立即打碎你们的联盟。从而降下大部分店的利润率。 如果降下2%的利润率,以中等店100条每周的量,你会损失大约120元每周,或者6000元每年的损失。不要忘了,还有另外两家烟公司虎视眈眈你,要求你降价。
Post by WENDY2;2726274 我们目前成立了18个小支部,参加抵制帝国的朋友请打电话加入到就近的小支部或者朋友推荐的小支部均可,小支部是为了每一步操作都落实到。(请大家在生意低峰期打电话,不影响刷卡) 1. 刘忠全 514-279-6243 VILLEREY 2. 张 龙 514-659-5978 MONK 3. 李 刚 514-998-2139 TERREBONNE [EMAIL="OLYLEE@GMAIL.COM"]POLYLEE@GMAIL.COM[/EMAIL] 4. 郭 俊 514-660-2628 VEUDRIE-DORION [EMAIL="GUOJUN818@YAHOO.CA"]GUOJUN818@YAHOO.CA[/EMAIL] 5. 赖亚斌 514-386-5588 RDP 6. 郑 军 514-313-6405 南岸(MCMASTERVRLLE) [EMAIL="JJ650@HOTMAIL.COM"]JJ650@HOTMAIL.COM[/EMAIL] 7. 梁轶华 514-932-3223 PLACE-SAINT-HERRI [EMAIL="IANGYIHUA@HOTMAIL.COM"]IANGYIHUA@HOTMAIL.COM[/EMAIL] 8.杨晓鹏 514-768-1603 VERDUN [EMAIL="SUOBO@HOTMAIL.COM"]SUOBO@HOTMAIL.COM[/EMAIL] 9.牛 犇 514-710-3489 LASALLE 10. 薛绍华 514-937-6202 DOWNTOWN 11.宋 杰 450-676-9031 南岸(STE-HUBERT) 12.赵彦彪 514-634-8880 LACHINE 13.赵传澄 514-484-2906 NDG 14.杨永芳 450-462-1491 BROSSARD 15.王艳艳 514-767-9989 DE L'EGLISE 16.罗瑞佳 517-7955656 LAVAL以北 STE-THERESE 17.范范 514-526-6381 东区 18.李荣海 819-297-2675 三河
Post by WENDY2;2726274 我们目前成立了18个小支部,参加抵制帝国的朋友请打电话加入到就近的小支部或者朋友推荐的小支部均可,小支部是为了每一步操作都落实到。(请大家在生意低峰期打电话,不影响刷卡) 1. 刘忠全 514-279-6243 VILLEREY 2. 张 龙 514-659-5978 MONK 3. 李 刚 514-998-2139 TERREBONNE [EMAIL="OLYLEE@GMAIL.COM"]POLYLEE@GMAIL.COM[/EMAIL] 4. 郭 俊 514-660-2628 VEUDRIE-DORION [EMAIL="GUOJUN818@YAHOO.CA"]GUOJUN818@YAHOO.CA[/EMAIL] 5. 赖亚斌 514-386-5588 RDP 6. 郑 军 514-313-6405 南岸(MCMASTERVRLLE) [EMAIL="JJ650@HOTMAIL.COM"]JJ650@HOTMAIL.COM[/EMAIL] 7. 梁轶华 514-932-3223 PLACE-SAINT-HERRI [EMAIL="IANGYIHUA@HOTMAIL.COM"]IANGYIHUA@HOTMAIL.COM[/EMAIL] 8.杨晓鹏 514-768-1603 VERDUN [EMAIL="SUOBO@HOTMAIL.COM"]SUOBO@HOTMAIL.COM[/EMAIL] 9.牛 犇 514-710-3489 LASALLE 10. 薛绍华 514-937-6202 DOWNTOWN 11.宋 杰 450-676-9031 南岸(STE-HUBERT) 12.赵彦彪 514-634-8880 LACHINE 13.赵传澄 514-484-2906 NDG 14.杨永芳 450-462-1491 BROSSARD 15.王艳艳 514-767-9989 DE L'EGLISE 16.罗瑞佳 517-7955656 LAVAL以北 STE-THERESE 17.范范 514-526-6381 东区 18.李荣海 819-297-2675 三河 19.曾勇,514-5297498,2211 gilford h2h 1h7 东区 20.王立强 418 681-3225 350 LAFAYETTE 魁北克
Post by WENDY2;2727931 今天大家都收到JTI的信,因为是法语的,群里有朋友贴了英文的,我将它转贴过来。 November 1st, 2010 Dear Valued Business Partner, Imperial Tobacco Company (ITCO) has recently offered select retailers the new Expansion program which sets maximum price ceilings on ITCO's brands。 It is intended to improve ITCO's bottom Sine, at the expense of your profits。 We believe that ITCO is abusing its dominant position in the marketplace and attempting to reduce competition。 Your profitability derived from the sale of tobacco products is critical to the success of your business。 Therefore, the ability to set your own margins is your right。 By participating in ITCO's program, your profits will be lowered on its brands in order to increase ITCO's market share in all segments。 ITCO is asking you to reduce your margin on its premium brands, alleging that it will increase traffic into your store。 However, you will lose traffic because you cannot be competitive in the value and super value segment based on the Expansion program's clause of lowest price for one of ITCO's products。 You will lose those adult consumers seeking the lowest priced cigarettes unless you drastically reduce your own profit margin in what is the fastest growing segment。 On top of the reduced margin you will take on premium, and losing competitiveness in the super value market, you may put in jeopardy contracts you already have with Canadian-based manufacturers。 At the end of the day, ask yourself whether you will truly benefit from this program。 You kmow what is best for your business。 We have enjoyed a strong relationship with you for many years, built on trust and mutual respect。 We know that by continuing to work together, we will continue to grow both of our businesses。 Our legal counsel has been engaged to take all appropriate steps。 We believe the Expansion program raises serious legal issues under the Federal Competition Act by lessening competition in the market。 This program will: o Eliminate effective price competition; o Unfairly discriminate between retailers; o Force retailers to increase the price of competitors' products; o Prevent entry of new brands; o Indirectly attempt to control the in-store signage; and, o Reduce the ability of consumers to make choices。 We also believe that by participating in the Expansion program it may be impossible for you to comply both with the conditions of such programs and with your current legal obligations towards JTI-Macdonald pursuant to our contracts, including your obligations with respect to pricing and signage。 We believe that ITCO is trying to induce you to breach your legal obligations towards us and interfere illegally with our economic interest。 You may have some questions and concerns about the validity of this program; you are not alone。 Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us to discuss further。 Sincerely, JTI-MACDONALD CORP
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