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发表于 2010-11-14 16:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1 从目前的局势来分析,广大便利店与帝国的战争注定是旷日持久的,大家要有心理准备。可能不是递交一两封抗议信、谈判一两次,搞几次抵制行动就能让帝国低头的。各个店应根据自己的实际情况调整好经营策略,在与帝国抗争的同时,也要确保自己的店能正常运转,毕竟生存第一位,大家都不容易,大家应相互理解。抗争中有人积极些、主动些,有人胆怯些、有人懦弱些,都是可以理解的。还有在抵制的行动中,头脑要清醒、理智,不希望作出一些偏激行为,给自己家庭及远在国内的亲人带来不幸。
2 加拿大是一个法制社会,这可能也是当初我们选择来加拿大定居的原因之一。大家在为自己的正当权益抗争时,无论成功与否,请不要放弃法律武器。虽然司法程序非常复杂、冗长,但毕竟是值得等待的。大家也许会想像帝国这样的大公司,财大气粗,早就养了一大群御用律师为其钻法律漏洞,为其擦屁股。这的确是事实,从最近帝国给安省韩国便利店协会的回信中,也证实了这一点(法律规定零售商不得向消费者直接推荐某一种香烟),网上大家的抵制行动中似乎有类似行为,请不要让帝国抓到明显的证据。但并非帝国的策略就是无暇可击的,因为多年来,帝国为追求利益,也是劣迹斑斑,丑行不断,官司缠身。如2008年因走私香烟被课以5.5亿加元的重罚、几年前因抛弃批发商而被COSTCO等起诉,安省政府索赔500亿加元等,说明帝国目前的措施并不一定是完全合法的。个人认为大家可留意联邦及魁省的烟草法、联邦竞争法等。主要有如下几个:
1 联邦烟草法(Tobacco Act)
2 魁省烟草税法(obacco Tax Act, R.S.Q. c.)
3 魁省烟草法(Tobacco Act)
4 魁省烟草新规定
5 联邦竞争法。
3 巧妙利用控烟组织。大家当然不愿与它沾惹上,它目前也不会站出来放啥屁。但一段时间后,情形会改变。因为在这次事件后(如半年或一年,可浏览帝国网站或其股票),帝国的烟草销量可能会出现三种情形:1)大幅度上升;2)明显减少;3)基本持平。后两种情况说明帝国的策略有问题,它自己就可能找台阶下。第一种情况是我们大家最不愿意接受的,也是控烟组织不希望见到的。那时,它应会主动找帝国的茬子,否则就是严重失职。
发表于 2010-11-14 17:19 | 只看该作者
Post by kimly;2732886
1 从目前的局势来分析,广大便利店与帝国的战争注定是旷日持久的,大家要有心理准备。可能不是递交一两封抗议信、谈判一两次,搞几次抵制行动就能让帝国低头的。各个店应根据自己的实际情况调整好经营策略,在与帝国抗争的同时,也要确保自己的店能正常运转,毕竟生存第一位,大家都不容易,大家应相互理解。抗争中有人积极些、主动些,有人胆怯些、有人懦弱些,都是可以理解的。还有在抵制的行动中,头脑要清醒、理智,不希望作出一些偏激行为,给自己家庭及远在国内的亲人带来不幸。
2 加拿大是一个法制社会,这可能也是当初我们选择来加拿大定居的原因之一。大家在为自己的正当权益抗争时,无论成功与否,请不要放弃法律武器。虽然司法程序非常复杂、冗长,但毕竟是值得等待的。大家也许会想像帝国这样的大公司,财大气粗,早就养了一大群御用律师为其钻法律漏洞,为其擦屁股。这的确是事实,从最近帝国给安省韩国便利店协会的回信中,也证实了这一点(法律规定零售商不得向消费者直接推荐某一种香烟),网上大家的抵制行动中似乎有类似行为,请不要让帝国抓到明显的证据。但并非帝国的策略就是无暇可击的,因为多年来,帝国为追求利益,也是劣迹斑斑,丑行不断,官司缠身。如2008年因走私香烟被课以5.5亿加元的重罚、几年前因抛弃批发商而被COSTCO等起诉,安省政府索赔500亿加元等,说明帝国目前的措施并不一定是完全合法的。个人认为大家可留意联邦及魁省的烟草法、联邦竞争法等。主要有如下几个:
1 联邦烟草法(Tobacco Act)
2 魁省烟草税法(obacco Tax Act, R.S.Q. c.)
3 魁省烟草法(Tobacco Act)
4 魁省烟草新规定
5 联邦竞争法。
3 巧妙利用控烟组织。大家当然不愿与它沾惹上,它目前也不会站出来放啥屁。但一段时间后,情形会改变。因为在这次事件后(如半年或一年,可浏览帝国网站或其股票),帝国的烟草销量可能会出现三种情形:1)大幅度上升;2)明显减少;3)基本持平。后两种情况说明帝国的策略有问题,它自己就可能找台阶下。第一种情况是我们大家最不愿意接受的,也是控烟组织不希望见到的。那时,它应会主动找帝国的茬子,否则就是严重失职。
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发表于 2010-11-14 20:04 | 只看该作者
very good point!!

imperial tested this program in one province of canada one year ago, and the result is better than what they expected. that is why they are expanding this program all cross canada now. But I guess they did not expect so much difficulties in Quebec and Ontario. right now, nobody know what kind of result gonna come out in the future. everybody are waiting for the market reaction(data) in the following couple of months. So every store should face the reality and do what you can do without hurting yourself. anytime, living is the first priority.
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发表于 2010-11-14 21:18 | 只看该作者


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发表于 2010-11-14 21:47 | 只看该作者
我现在的办法是(1)拆下其价格牌子 (2)对买地沟烟的人,尤其是其中低价烟的,如jpL,pj和viC.介绍next,效果很好,70%的都转了.所以我一个月不订它的烟生意都行.我看到已有其它的贴子说有类似的效果.而且,我的一些朋友,虽未发贴,其实早已在这样实行.至于效果,因所处地方不同而不一样.我是在离MONTREAL不太远的一镇上.不管效果大小,这样做地沟的销量就会下降.而这样做的店越多,地沟的销量就会下降得越猛.这样它就会有切肤之痛,以至锤心之痛__销量和利润才是它真正在乎和赖以生存的--看来它一点也不在乎其信誉.
另外,我已打算原则上告诉其代表不要进入我店内,更不可在店内采集任何信息.FAX烟ORDER,或在其汽车内抄完订单后还我也可.这样做有两个原因1)表达抗议和不满(2)防止其在店内找茬,报复.  同时,我也要告诉代表,此举不针对其个人.而只是商业行为.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 20:10 | 只看该作者



Tobacco Act (1997, c. 13)
Act current to October 30th, 2010


Definition of “promotion”
18. (1) In this Part, “promotion” means a representation about a product or service by any means, whether directly or indirectly, including any communication of information about a product or service and its price and distribution, that is likely to influence and shape attitudes, beliefs and behaviours about the product or service.
(2) This Part does not apply to
(a) a literary, dramatic, musical, cinematographic, scientific, educational or artistic work, production or performance that uses or depicts a tobacco product or tobacco product-related brand element, whatever the mode or form of its expression, if no consideration is given directly or indirectly for that use or depiction in the work, production or performance;
(b) a report, commentary or opinion in respect of a tobacco product or a brand of tobacco product if no consideration is given by a manufacturer or retailer, directly or indirectly, for the reference to the tobacco product or brand in that report, commentary or opinion; or
(c) a promotion by a tobacco grower or a manufacturer that is directed at tobacco growers, manufacturers, persons who distribute tobacco products or retailers but not, either directly or indirectly, at consumers.
19. No person shall promote a tobacco product or a tobacco product-related brand element except as authorized by this Act or the regulations.
False promotion
20. No person shall promote a tobacco product by any means, including by means of the packaging, that are false, misleading or deceptive or that are likely to create an erroneous impression about the characteristics, health effects or health hazards of the tobacco product or its emissions.
Testimonials or endorsements
21. (1) No person shall promote a tobacco product by means of a testimonial or an endorsement, however displayed or communicated.
Depiction of person
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the depiction of a person, character or animal, whether real or fictional, is considered to be a testimonial for, or an endorsement of, the product.
(3) This section does not apply to a trade-mark that appeared on a tobacco product for sale in Canada on December 2, 1996.
22. (1) Subject to this section, no person shall promote a tobacco product by means of an advertisement that depicts, in whole or in part, a tobacco product, its package or a brand element of one or that evokes a tobacco product or a brand element.
(2) Subject to the regulations, a person may advertise a tobacco product by means of information advertising or brand-preference advertising that is in
(a) a publication that is provided by mail and addressed to an adult who is identified by name; or
(b) [Repealed, 2009, c. 27, s. 11]
(c) signs in a place where young persons are not permitted by law.
Lifestyle advertising
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to lifestyle advertising or advertising that could be construed on reasonable grounds to be appealing to young persons.
(4) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.

“brand-preference advertising”
« publicité préférentielle »
“brand-preference advertising” means advertising that promotes a tobacco product by means of its brand characteristics.

“information advertising”
« publicité informative »
“information advertising” means advertising that provides factual information to the consumer about
(a) a product and its characteristics; or
(b) the availability or price of a product or brand of product.
“lifestyle advertising”
« publicité de style de vie »
“lifestyle advertising” means advertising that associates a product with, or evokes a positive or negative emotion about or image of, a way of life such as one that includes glamour, recreation, excitement, vitality, risk or daring.
1997, c. 13, s. 22; 2009, c. 27, s. 11.
23. No person shall package a tobacco product in a manner that is contrary to this Act or the regulations.
Prohibited additives — packaging
23.1 (1) No person shall package a tobacco product set out in column 2 of the schedule in a manner that suggests, including through illustrations, that it contains an additive set out in column 1.
Prohibition — sale
(2) No person shall sell a tobacco product set out in column 2 of the schedule that is packaged in a manner prohibited by subsection (1).
2009, c. 27, s. 12.
Prohibition — sponsorship promotion
24. No person may display a tobacco product-related brand element or the name of a tobacco manufacturer in a promotion that is used, directly or indirectly, in the sponsorship of a person, entity, event, activity or permanent facility.
1997, c. 13, s. 24; 1998, c. 38, s. 1.
Prohibition — name of facility
25. No person may display a tobacco product-related brand element or the name of a tobacco manufacturer on a permanent facility, as part of the name of the facility or otherwise, if the tobacco product-related brand element or name is thereby associated with a sports or cultural event or activity.
1997, c. 13, s. 25; 1998, c. 38, s. 2.
26. (1) Subject to the regulations, a manufacturer or retailer may sell an accessory that displays a tobacco product-related brand element.
(2) No person shall promote an accessory that displays a tobacco product-related brand element except in the prescribed manner and form and in a publication or place described in paragraphs 22(2)(a) and (c).
1997, c. 13, s. 26; 2009, c. 27, s. 13.
Non-tobacco product displaying tobacco brand element
27. No person shall furnish or promote a tobacco product if any of its brand elements is displayed on a non-tobacco product, other than an accessory, or is used with a service, if the non-tobacco product or service
(a) is associated with young persons or could be construed on reasonable grounds to be appealing to young persons; or
(b) is associated with a way of life such as one that includes glamour, recreation, excitement, vitality, risk or daring.
Exception — tobacco product
28. (1) Subject to the regulations, a person may sell a tobacco product, or advertise a tobacco product in accordance with section 22, if any of its brand elements is displayed on a non-tobacco product, other than an accessory, or used with a service, if the non-tobacco product or service does not fall within the criteria described in paragraphs 27(a) and (b).
Exception — non-tobacco product
(2) Subject to the regulations, a person may promote a non-tobacco product, other than an accessory, that displays a tobacco product-related brand element, or a service that uses a tobacco product-related brand element, to which section 27 does not apply.
Sales promotions
29. No manufacturer or retailer shall
(a) offer or provide any consideration, direct or indirect, for the purchase of a tobacco product, including a gift to a purchaser or a third party, bonus, premium, cash rebate or right to participate in a game, lottery or contest;
(b) furnish a tobacco product without monetary consideration or in consideration of the purchase of a product or service or the performance of a service; or
(c) furnish an accessory that bears a tobacco product-related brand element without monetary consideration or in consideration of the purchase of a product or service or the performance of a service.
Retail display of tobacco products
30. (1) Subject to the regulations, any person may display, at retail, a tobacco product or an accessory that displays a tobacco product-related brand element.
(2) A retailer of tobacco products may post, in accordance with the regulations, signs at retail that indicate the availability of tobacco products and their price.
Communication media
31. (1) No person shall, on behalf of another person, with or without consideration, publish, broadcast or otherwise disseminate any promotion that is prohibited by this Part.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 20:26 | 只看该作者



Tobacco Act
S.C. 1997, c. 13
© Éditeur officiel du Québec
Updated to 1 November 2010
This document has official status.  
Current to October 20, 2010
Published by the Minister of Justice at the following address:

R.S.Q., chapter T-0.01
Tobacco Act
2005, c. 29, s. 14.

2005, c. 29, s. 14.

13. No one may sell tobacco to a minor.

1998, c. 33, s. 13; 2005, c. 29, s. 15.

Proof of age.
13.1. A person who wishes to purchase tobacco or to be admitted to a cigar room may
be required to provide proof of age.

The Government may, by regulation, determine the documents that may be used as

2005, c. 29, s. 16.

Reasonable effort.
14. In proceedings for a contravention of the second paragraph of section 8.2 or a
contravention of section 13, no penalty may be imposed on a defendant who shows
that a reasonable effort was made to verify the age of the person and that there were
reasonable grounds to believe that the person was of full age.

1998, c. 33, s. 14; 2005, c. 29, s. 17.

Retail sale.
14.1. Tobacco may not be sold retail except in a tobacco retail outlet, with both the
operator of the retail outlet or an employee of the operator and the purchaser physically present.

For the purposes of this Act,

(1) a tobacco retail outlet is a fixed place permanently delimited by continuous
floor-to-ceiling partitions or walls that is accessible only through an opening
equipped with a door and in which tobacco is sold retail by the operator of the place;

(2) a person other than a tobacco farmer or a tobacco product manufacturer or
distributor who is in possession of or holds a quantity of tobacco that exceeds
the amount the person needs for personal consumption is presumed, in the absence
of any evidence to the contrary, to engage in the retail sale of tobacco.

2005, c. 29, s. 18.

Gifts prohibited.
14.2. The operator of a tobacco retail outlet may not give tobacco to a minor.

2005, c. 29, s. 18.

Sale through intermediary prohibited.
14.3. The operator of a tobacco retail outlet may not sell tobacco to a person of full age if the operator knows the person is purchasing the tobacco for a minor.

2005, c. 29, s. 18.

15. The operator of a tobacco retail outlet must ensure that all tobacco is kept in such
a way as to prevent customers from gaining access to the tobacco without the help of
the business’s personnel.

The first paragraph does not apply to the operator of a duty free shop licensed as such
under the Customs Act (Revised Statutes of Canada, 1985, chapter 1, 2nd Supplement).

1998, c. 33, s. 15; 2005, c. 29, s. 19.

Vending machines prohibited.
16. The operator of a place or business may not have a tobacco vending machine installed,
or leave or keep a tobacco vending machine in the place or business.

1998, c. 33, s. 16; 2005, c. 29, s. 20.

Retail outlet prohibited.
17. No tobacco retail outlet may be operated

(1) on the grounds of or within a facility maintained by a health and social services institution;

(2) on the grounds or within the premises or buildings placed at the disposal of a school,
a vocational training centre, an adult education centre or a private educational institution;

(2.1) on the grounds or within the buildings of a general and vocational college or a university;

(3) on the grounds of or within the facilities of a childcare centre or day care centre;

(4) within premises where sports, recreational, cultural or artistic activities are presented,
at the time they are presented;

(5) within premises or buildings intended mainly for the presentation of sports, recreational,
cultural or artistic activities or intended mainly as a place where members of the public may
engage or take part in such activities;

(6) in an establishment operating under a public house, tavern or bar permit within the
meaning of the Act respecting liquor permits (chapter P-9.1), other than a cigar room;

(7) in premises where an activity forming part of a restaurateur's business is carried on under
a permit issued under subparagraph n of the first paragraph of section 9 of the Food Products
Act (chapter P-29).

The Government may, by regulation, determine other places where operating a tobacco retail
outlet is prohibited.

1998, c. 33, s. 17; 2005, c. 29, s. 21; 2005, c. 47, s. 149.

Educational institution.
17.1. It is prohibited to supply tobacco to a minor on the grounds or within the premises or
buildings placed at the disposal of a school or a private educational institution dispensing
services specified in paragraphs 1 to 3 of section 1 of the Act respecting private education (chapter E-9.1), whether or not for a consideration.

2005, c. 29, s. 22.

18. It is prohibited to sell tobacco in a business if

(1) a pharmacy is located within the business;

(2) the customers of a pharmacy can pass into the business directly or by the use of a corridor
or area used exclusively to connect the pharmacy with the business.

1998, c. 33, s. 18.

19. The operator of a tobacco retail outlet may not sell cigarettes except in a package that contains
at least 20 cigarettes.

The Government may make regulations specifying any other tobacco product that may not be
sold in a package containing less than the prescribed quantities or portions.

1998, c. 33, s. 19; 2005, c. 29, s. 23.

Declaration in register.
20. The retail sale of tobacco is an activity that must be declared in the register kept in accordance
with the Act respecting the legal publicity of sole proprietorships, partnerships and legal persons
(chapter P-45) within 30 days after the commencement of the operations of a tobacco retail outlet.

Discontinuance of activity.
The discontinuance of that activity must be declared in the same register within 30 days after its

1998, c. 33, s. 20; 2005, c. 29, s. 24.

Registration required.
20.1. Despite paragraph 1 of section 2 of the Act respecting the legal publicity of sole proprietorships,
partnerships and legal persons (chapter P-45), a natural person who operates a tobacco retail outlet
under a name that includes his or her surname and given name is subject to the requirement of

2005, c. 29, s. 24.

2005, c. 29, s. 24.

Public display prohibited.
20.2. The operator of a tobacco retail outlet may not display tobacco or tobacco packaging in public

Sign permitted.
However, the operator may, by means of a sign permitted under subparagraph 9 of the first paragraph
of section 24, provide consumers with the names of the tobacco products sold at the retail outlet and
their price as well as with any other factual information referred to in that section. The sign must
comply with the other provisions of section 24.

2005, c. 29, s. 24.

20.3. Section 20.2 does not apply to the operator of a cigar room or a duty free shop.

Nor does it apply to the operator of a specialty tobacco retail outlet if the following conditions are met:

(1) the specialty tobacco retail outlet is and remains a tobacco retail outlet specially set up for the
retail sale of tobacco;

(2) it is in operation on 10 May 2005;

(3) receipts derived by the operator of the specialty tobacco retail outlet from the retail sale of tobacco,
accessories that may be used for tobacco smoking and specialized publications about such products in
the 12 months before 31 May 2006 account for 75% of receipts from all sales made at that retail outlet
in that period;

(4) the operator of the specialty tobacco retail outlet sends the Minister, not later than 30 June 2008,
a written notice stating the name and address of the retail outlet, and sufficient proof that the operator
meets the conditions set out in this paragraph.

However, the operator of a tobacco retail outlet that is covered by the first and second paragraphs must
display tobacco and tobacco packaging in such a way that it is visible only from the inside of the retail

2005, c. 29, s. 24.

2005, c. 29, s. 24.

Notice and warning.
20.4. The operator of a tobacco retail outlet must post a notice prohibiting the sale of tobacco
to minors and a warning attributed to the Minister concerning the harmful effects of tobacco
on health as soon as the signs are provided by the Minister.

2005, c. 29, s. 24.

Public view.
20.5. Such signs must be posted in public view, on or next to each cash register used for tobacco

2005, c. 29, s. 24.

20.6. No person may remove or deface such signs.

2005, c. 29, s. 24.

20.7. The Minister may make regulations determining the standards applicable to such signs.

2005, c. 29, s. 24.


21. The operator of a business and a manufacturer or a distributor of tobacco products may not

(1) supply or distribute tobacco free of charge or furnish tobacco for promotional purposes of
any kind to consumers;

(2) reduce the retail price of tobacco on the basis of quantity, otherwise than as part of regular
marketing operations by the manufacturer, or offer or grant a rebate on the market price of
tobacco to consumers;

(3) offer consumers a gift or rebate or a right to participate in a lottery, contest or game or
any other form of benefit if consumers must, in return, provide information on tobacco or
their tobacco consumption, purchase a tobacco product or present proof of purchase of a
tobacco product.
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 20:38 | 只看该作者


New tobacco tax measures

On June 13, 2006, the Québec government implemented
new measures respecting the tobacco tax.
Generally, the new measures provide for a 50% increase in
the amounts of the fines for a first offence and the introduction
of a fine for a subsequent offence within five years. The measures
apply, for example, to the following offences:
A merchant who sells, delivers or is in possession of tobacco
intended for retail sale in Québec and contained in a package
that is not identified in accordance with the Tobacco Tax Act
is liable to a fine of not less than $3,000 and not more than
$750,000. If there is a subsequent offence within five years,
the merchant is liable to a fine of not less than $10,000 and
not more than $2,500,000.  
A merchant who makes retail sales of tobacco without holding
a registration certificate, or purchases tobacco from a person
who does not hold a collection officer's permit, is liable to a
fine of not less than $3,000 and not more than $37,500.
If there is a subsequent offence within five years, the
merchant is liable to a fine of not less than $10,000
and not more than $125,000.
Furthermore, the following acts are now considered
offences under the Tobacco Tax Act:
the retail sale of tobacco (or offer to sell tobacco at retail)
for a price that is lower than the total tax applicable to the
the purchase, by a consumer, of tobacco for a price that is
lower than the total tax applicable to the tobacco  
the sale, delivery or possession of counterfeit tobacco
Retail sale of tobacco for a price lower than the total tax
No person may sell (or offer to sell) tobacco at retail for a price lower than the total tax applicable to the tobacco, that is, the excise duty and the tobacco tax, plus the GST calculated on the excise duty and tobacco tax.
For example, the following minimum retail selling prices have
been in effect since July 1, 2006: $3.92 for a package of 20
cigarettes; $4.91 for a package of 25 cigarettes; $39.23 for a
carton containing 200 cigarettes; and $33.69 for a container
of 200 grams of fine-cut tobacco
A merchant who fails to comply is guilty of an offence and is
liable to a fine of not less than $3,000 and not more than $750,000.
If there is a subsequent offence within five years, the merchant is
liable to a fine of not less than $10,000 and not more than $2,500,000.
Purchase of tobacco products by a consumer for a price lower than
the total tax applicable
No person may purchase tobacco at retail in Québec for a price lower
than the total tax applicable to the tobacco, that is, the excise duty
and the tobacco tax, plus the GST calculated on the excise duty and tobacco tax.
A person who makes such a purchase is guilty of an offence and is
liable to a fine of not less than $300 and not more than $7,500. A
person who commits a subsequent offence within five years is liable
to a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $25,000.
Sale, delivery or possession of counterfeit tobacco  
A merchant who sells, delivers or is in possession of counterfeit tobacco
is guilty of an offence and is liable to a fine of not less than $3,000 and
not more than $750,000. If there is a subsequent offence within five years,
the merchant is liable to a fine of not less than $10,000 and not more than $2,500,000.
The term "counterfeit tobacco" means:
tobacco the package of which bears or on which is reproduced or imitated
the trademark, trade name or any other distinguishing guise that can reasonably
be associated with another tobacco product, without the authorization of the
owner of the trademark, trade name or other distinguishing guise  
tobacco the package of which bears an identification mark that has not been
affixed by a person holding a valid manufacturer's or importer's permit
Reminder of other sanctions
In addition to the fines provided for, certain offences under the Tobacco Tax
Act may result in a seizure of tobacco, the suspension of a person's registration
certificate, or a term of imprisonment.
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发表于 2010-11-16 20:51 | 只看该作者
Post by kimly;2734539

Tobacco Act (1997, c. 13)
Act current to October 30th, 2010


Definition of “promotion”
18. (1) In this Part, “promotion” means a representation about a product or service by any means, whether directly or indirectly, including any communication of information about a product or service and its price and distribution, that is likely to influence and shape attitudes, beliefs and behaviours about the product or service.
(2) This Part does not apply to
(a) a literary, dramatic, musical, cinematographic, scientific, educational or artistic work, production or performance that uses or depicts a tobacco product or tobacco product-related brand element, whatever the mode or form of its expression, if no consideration is given directly or indirectly for that use or depiction in the work, production or performance;
(b) a report, commentary or opinion in respect of a tobacco product or a brand of tobacco product if no consideration is given by a manufacturer or retailer, directly or indirectly, for the reference to the tobacco product or brand in that report, commentary or opinion; or
(c) a promotion by a tobacco grower or a manufacturer that is directed at tobacco growers, manufacturers, persons who distribute tobacco products or retailers but not, either directly or indirectly, at consumers.
19. No person shall promote a tobacco product or a tobacco product-related brand element except as authorized by this Act or the regulations.
False promotion
20. No person shall promote a tobacco product by any means, including by means of the packaging, that are false, misleading or deceptive or that are likely to create an erroneous impression about the characteristics, health effects or health hazards of the tobacco product or its emissions.
Testimonials or endorsements
21. (1) No person shall promote a tobacco product by means of a testimonial or an endorsement, however displayed or communicated.
Depiction of person
(2) For the purposes of subsection (1), the depiction of a person, character or animal, whether real or fictional, is considered to be a testimonial for, or an endorsement of, the product.
(3) This section does not apply to a trade-mark that appeared on a tobacco product for sale in Canada on December 2, 1996.
22. (1) Subject to this section, no person shall promote a tobacco product by means of an advertisement that depicts, in whole or in part, a tobacco product, its package or a brand element of one or that evokes a tobacco product or a brand element.
(2) Subject to the regulations, a person may advertise a tobacco product by means of information advertising or brand-preference advertising that is in
(a) a publication that is provided by mail and addressed to an adult who is identified by name; or
(b) [Repealed, 2009, c. 27, s. 11]
(c) signs in a place where young persons are not permitted by law.
Lifestyle advertising
(3) Subsection (2) does not apply to lifestyle advertising or advertising that could be construed on reasonable grounds to be appealing to young persons.
(4) The definitions in this subsection apply in this section.

“brand-preference advertising”
« publicité préférentielle »
“brand-preference advertising” means advertising that promotes a tobacco product by means of its brand characteristics.

“information advertising”
« publicité informative »
“information advertising” means advertising that provides factual information to the consumer about
(a) a product and its characteristics; or
(b) the availability or price of a product or brand of product.
“lifestyle advertising”
« publicité de style de vie »
“lifestyle advertising” means advertising that associates a product with, or evokes a positive or negative emotion about or image of, a way of life such as one that includes glamour, recreation, excitement, vitality, risk or daring.
1997, c. 13, s. 22; 2009, c. 27, s. 11.
23. No person shall package a tobacco product in a manner that is contrary to this Act or the regulations.
Prohibited additives — packaging
23.1 (1) No person shall package a tobacco product set out in column 2 of the schedule in a manner that suggests, including through illustrations, that it contains an additive set out in column 1.
Prohibition — sale
(2) No person shall sell a tobacco product set out in column 2 of the schedule that is packaged in a manner prohibited by subsection (1).
2009, c. 27, s. 12.
Prohibition — sponsorship promotion
24. No person may display a tobacco product-related brand element or the name of a tobacco manufacturer in a promotion that is used, directly or indirectly, in the sponsorship of a person, entity, event, activity or permanent facility.
1997, c. 13, s. 24; 1998, c. 38, s. 1.
Prohibition — name of facility
25. No person may display a tobacco product-related brand element or the name of a tobacco manufacturer on a permanent facility, as part of the name of the facility or otherwise, if the tobacco product-related brand element or name is thereby associated with a sports or cultural event or activity.
1997, c. 13, s. 25; 1998, c. 38, s. 2.
26. (1) Subject to the regulations, a manufacturer or retailer may sell an accessory that displays a tobacco product-related brand element.
(2) No person shall promote an accessory that displays a tobacco product-related brand element except in the prescribed manner and form and in a publication or place described in paragraphs 22(2)(a) and (c).
1997, c. 13, s. 26; 2009, c. 27, s. 13.
Non-tobacco product displaying tobacco brand element
27. No person shall furnish or promote a tobacco product if any of its brand elements is displayed on a non-tobacco product, other than an accessory, or is used with a service, if the non-tobacco product or service
(a) is associated with young persons or could be construed on reasonable grounds to be appealing to young persons; or
(b) is associated with a way of life such as one that includes glamour, recreation, excitement, vitality, risk or daring.
Exception — tobacco product
28. (1) Subject to the regulations, a person may sell a tobacco product, or advertise a tobacco product in accordance with section 22, if any of its brand elements is displayed on a non-tobacco product, other than an accessory, or used with a service, if the non-tobacco product or service does not fall within the criteria described in paragraphs 27(a) and (b).
Exception — non-tobacco product
(2) Subject to the regulations, a person may promote a non-tobacco product, other than an accessory, that displays a tobacco product-related brand element, or a service that uses a tobacco product-related brand element, to which section 27 does not apply.
Sales promotions
29. No manufacturer or retailer shall
(a) offer or provide any consideration, direct or indirect, for the purchase of a tobacco product, including a gift to a purchaser or a third party, bonus, premium, cash rebate or right to participate in a game, lottery or contest;
(b) furnish a tobacco product without monetary consideration or in consideration of the purchase of a product or service or the performance of a service; or
(c) furnish an accessory that bears a tobacco product-related brand element without monetary consideration or in consideration of the purchase of a product or service or the performance of a service.
Retail display of tobacco products
30. (1) Subject to the regulations, any person may display, at retail, a tobacco product or an accessory that displays a tobacco product-related brand element.
(2) A retailer of tobacco products may post, in accordance with the regulations, signs at retail that indicate the availability of tobacco products and their price.
Communication media
31. (1) No person shall, on behalf of another person, with or without consideration, publish, broadcast or otherwise disseminate any promotion that is prohibited by this Part.

虽然本人非常痛恨帝国的做法,但你列出的条款,拿不住它,因为它的program只针对retailers,而不是final consumers(请看本法的定义)。唯一可以拿得住它的是program的设计上有操纵市场的嫌疑(这个要看公平竞争法)。如果合同店有人起义,揭露帝国烟代表利用各种手段要求retailers向顾客疯狂推销泡沫,帝国就完蛋。但是,现在是伯乐常有,陈胜吴广难寻啊!
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 楼主| 发表于 2010-11-16 21:03 | 只看该作者



Competition Act (R.S., 1985, c. C-34)
Act current to October 20th, 2010
Attention: See coming into force provision and notes, where applicable.
Table of Contents     
Competition Act




(2)以不正当的手段阻止、限制或减少某产品的制造 或


律。因为他“拒绝供应” 某产品或“以其它不平等方式对








该法庭指出,如果在上述4 个条件均成立的情况下,在发布
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