遥祝爱人 Merry Lover’s grace
爱人你好吗 Lover, how are you?
我想你了 I have been missing you.
点起一支烟 Light up a cigarette,
任由淡淡的思念 Let the thin memory,
随着那缕缕的清烟 Supplementing the floating smoke, 缓缓升起 Rise up slow.
想起了你 Missing you,
你的双眸 Your beautiful eyes,
和你的浅浅微笑 and your thin little smile, 还有你的红色外套 and the red coat you wore.
一束玫瑰 One single rose,
送给你的 Yours to present.
让这美丽红艳的玫瑰 Beautiful as the red rose,
带着我的思念 Accompany my memory of you,
和爱情 and love.
遥祝远方的你 Love grace as you further apart, 快乐平安 Merry and well. |