Post by Laozhu
I have never been to Taiwan but I have a lot of relatives living in Taibei and Tao Yuan. My Grandfather was a general who graduated from Huang Pu Military School and he had been living in Taiwan for more than 50 years. In 1990's he went back to Mainland and died in 2004 at the age of 101. Before he died in 2004 he was one of the only two Huangpu First term students still alive.
I know some Taiwanesses here in Montreal and I think, averagely,people from Taiwan and Hong Kong are very gentle, honest and well educated.
I have been dreaming to Taiwan for a visit,and is there anybody who came from Taiwan can tell me how to go to Taiwan as a tourist?BTW, I am a canadian passport holder.
My email is: zhuhoward@hotmail.com
Hello there,
I'm new to this thread and I happen to see your post on wanting to visit Taiwan. Interestingly, it's very easy to go to Taiwan as a tourist really. Since you are a canadian passport holder, you can enter Taiwan WITHOUT visa and stay for up to 30 days legally. If you want to stay for longer, you'd need to apply for visa. What you'll need to do first is to decide where in Taiwan you want to go and what you want to do. If you need more information on visa application, here's some website you can look into. Have a good trip!
www.taiwan-canada.org |