Post by cloudrain
I think this Hangtian host should tell your generous Chinese friends that you are getting 90% of your salary from CSST. Your employer paid you first 2 weeks of salary and CSST is responsible for the salary 2 weeks after accident. When you are getting CSST compensation, it is clear that you are accepted by CSST. It doesn't matter how it happened, as long as it happened in the work place, CSST will pay for it.
I am very sympatic to your accident, but I really don't understand why you pretend to be helpless victim. When i just read your thread, i like to call you and help you (), but in your last reply, you thank for people' generosity, but you don't need people's donation since you are getting compensation from CSST. There are so many unknown people who provide you with so much info and ideas. You should simply tell people that you are accepted by CSST and getting compensation, so people here just move on and don't need to waste time to post thread and give you information. I find you are very disgusting and selfish. There is no respect for guys here.
你说得基本没错 工伤不管什么原因 CSST是要出面负责赔偿 但根据这边法律 他本人也是有权利向厂方甚至工头等个人索陪的 CSST方面不也说了嘛 如果是这样 那完全是取决于他个人去找律师的事情 就象国内很多案件刑事诉讼结案后,当事人还可以提请民事诉讼要求继续赔偿, 差不多的事情只是个人觉得这种官司对于一个新移民 甚至对老移民都是很难的事情 非有一定经济基础是办不到的.这边一张普通交通罚单的官司都可以旷日持久,何况这种事情. 。哈哈
至于说什么DISGUSTING AND SELFISH,好象有点不沾边吧,人家才来两三个月,好多人来两三年连CSST是什么都未必知道呢. 再说换了谁,有这个遭遇,有点愤怒都是可以理解的,只不过觉得还是应该理智处理.
既然CSST已受理, 剩下的王先生如果希望个人寻求对该公司或某些负责人的诉讼,这是他的正当的权利,这里其实已经跟CSST没什么关系了.我看他只是在这里寻求这方面帮助而已,并未有什么刻意隐瞒CSST赔偿他的这些事实,话说回头,看你的帖子说明你也知道,工伤CSST肯定会受理的,自己工作中受伤了,CSST出面赔偿。很多人都知道这个,他又有什么隐瞒的必要呢.
换了谁, 谁愿意去领那点钱把自己手拿IRON下去烫一下,我佩服他,够变态. 哈哈 |